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FIDA Regional Vice President, Awomolo Seeks End To Women Oppression, Calls For Gender Equality


FIDA Regional Vice President and Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Chief Mrs Victoria  Awomolo has  demanded an end to women oppression and called for gender equality as she gives insight into  what this year’s convention sets out to achieve.

In this interview with Sundiata Post Assistant News Editor, Chibuike Nwabuko, the Regional Vice President who was elected into this position in 2017 at the FIDA Convention in Bahamas for a 3 –year tenure, gives details accounts of what FIDA has done to better the lots of women and children in Nigeria and the expectation in this year’s convention.


What is the significance of the theme for the regional convention this year?

This year we have chosen the theme: The Growth of Women and Children in Africa, beyond Rhetoric! We are doing this because we believe that no matter what, African women are children have grown, our status has changed from what it was 40 to 50 years ago and the growth may be little, but we believe that we have moved. For some of us to be at this status at this time, we believe the status of women has changed. But what about the quality of growth- how much have we grown and in looking at all these issues one would ask what is the problems facing women and children in Africa also.

We are all familiar with cultural biases against women. The working environment for women is a bit different from that of men; the slow pace of women growth in politics is different from that of men. The slow growth of women professionals, children also- how much have we grown? These are the issues we will look at in the wake of the congress. We call it congress because that is the language of FIDA. In some others climes they call it conference but it is an international conference, in FIDA we call it congress. Our International conferences are called conventions because that is where you bring everybody from the globe and so that is what informed the choice for the theme this year.

Again, when you look at the problems of the women, we are not where we ought to be. When you look at constitutional provision all over Africa, there are still some biases against women that has retarded our growth as a gender.

Yes, there are some gender sensitive measures that are being taken by government all over the world, but they need to do more. Men and women are supposed to be at par the way the constitution provides for us. We are open to equal opportunity but in reality, do we get this? Again, the spate of violence against women all over Africa and Nigeria in particular is also what we have to discuss.

Gender violence particularly rape, is in the front burner of every discussion all over the world. Look at Nigeria, there is no day that passes without incidences of rape of minors; rape of old women; by pastors, by fathers, by employers and rape by different kinds of people and you wonder why. What will push a 50-year old man to rape a 2-year old girl for example?

At first they said the women were dressing indecently. What is in the 2-year old girl even 6 months old baby that a man wants to touch her? What is attractive to a father in his own daughter that he will rape her? The last one I read about two day ago was that a man was having sexual affair with his daughter since she is age 9 and now she is 19. Why will a father do that to his daughter? And when there was a move to take her away he resisted it. What is happening?. That is why some people are thinking that there must be some other sinister motives, may be it is for ritual or some other reasons because it is unexplainable.

So we are going to look at this issues as well as the political growth of women in Africa. Have we really grown? If yes how much growth have we recorded. In Nigeria for example, the statistics is appalling. We have dropped from may be 10 senator some years ago to 5 now out of 109 senators. What percentage is that 5 out of 109. In House of Representatives it is not any better, in the states House of Assembly things are not better. At the executive level how many governors or Deputy Governors do we have? Even in State where we thought the women are being given deputy governors slot, many of them have changed to men so what is happening to us? It is not that we don’t have qualified and intelligent women, or hardworking women who can occupy these spaces.

 Look at the last Federal Executive Council (FEC) our president appointed, only 7 women are on the FEC out of 43 people. So these are issues we need to discuss and proffer solutions to them. It will offer us opportunity to speak to ourselves as women because women constitute a larger part of voting population. Why do we have to keep voting the men when we have competent women to vote for, so why don’t we look inwards to vote for ourselves. These are issues we are going to look into among others.

Again, we will look at other issues as inheritance rights, customary rights and others. We have an erudite Professor as our keynote speaker, Prof Joy Ezeilo who is an internationally recognized professor of law who has agreed to come to open up the discussion and other quality speakers to speak at the occasion. So we are going to have a very good week.

Despite continuing advocacy and sensitization, not much seem to have been covered, what could be responsible?

Yes, it is true that FIDA embarks on advocacy and sensitization as part of our strategy to achieve equality. We have made progress in some areas but in larger part of our work, we have not made so much progress. I think what we found over the years is the resistance of the system to yield ground for the women. The cultural biases are still very deep. An average Nigerian community for example may not want a woman to represent them. But I must give kudos to Anambra state. I think the women in Anambra state are women we must, generally speaking, respect in Nigeria. Anambra has produced the first female governor in Nigeria, had it in acting capacity, they have produced senators and also some other states are trying.

We have women who are very powerful in Nigeria and they are making their marks, not only in politics but in commerce, government and multinational corporations. By and large, I will say that our growth has been very slow and we are thinking that we should appeal to ourselves as women that wherever a woman is, allow more women to come in. Give Space to more women to come in. We are as qualified as the men. For example, look at the Nigerian Law School when the results are out. More women come out with “First Class”, more women get most of the awards but sooner than later, when they now go into the world as it is to practice, you don’t hear about them anymore. Many now get married and you don’t hear about them anymore.

 I am not saying that marriage is a distraction, but it is part of it. A woman will just get married; she is slowed down, except she is determined to make it in life. Many husbands also are not supportive of their wives; they don’t just want to see them out there in front. Now I am appealing to our husbands to please, if a woman decides to settle down with you, give her all the opportunity to excel, it will do good for the family and relief the men of certain responsibilities and you will forever be proud of your wife. So despite all the advocacies, we are still continuing and God will help us to achieve our goal and this congress will bring the opportunity to speak to the world.

What role is FIDA playing in ensuring that the SDG’S that will better the lot of women and children are achieved?   

FIDA International partners with foreign donors and we fund some activities which FIDA undertakes and then we go into the rural areas and we give them support and empower them. FIDA is a non-governmental organization, we fund ourselves. We get funding from organisations who have now realized that FIDA is a very prominent and formidable non-governmental organization in Nigeria and all over the world. So they partner with us and we go into the hinterlands and then encourage our women; teach them their rights and make things more comfortable for them and empower them to sustain themselves. It is part of this congress also that we have dedicated two days to skills acquisition and empowerment of fifty (50) women. It is not just doling out money for them; we are going to teach them skills in five areas. Skills that can be learnt and by the time they would be rounding up the second day, we are not just going to give them money, we are buying materials for them, we call it start-up materials. If we teach you how to bid and stone clothes, which is part of the program; we will buy for you stones and gadget to stone, we buy everything for you. So it not that you take the money and walk away, we will give you the materials so that by the time we come again next year and look at them, we monitor them  and in three  years’ time when the next congress comes up, those one would have been out of poverty line forever.

In what areas has FIDA been able to make measurable impact so far?

So far we have been able to make deep impact in the sensitization of women and men on their fundamental rights as enshrined in the constitution. We have also been able to defend those oppressed. As I speak now, FIDA’s thirty-two branches all over Nigeria are in courts defending some women. We have legal desks that we use to counsel them. We also empower them by giving them money. And so women that I have worked with now know their rights. Again, all the laws that have been passed by the National Assembly, we go out and simplify them and teach them to the women and children. FIDA Nigeria has also partnered with Mac-Arthur Foundation to sensitize women on the legal rights that they have and all the branches in Nigeria are involved in this and all over Africa also. FIDA branches in Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa and West Africa are working with governments in their countries and donor agencies to make sure that we walk the talk. We don’t just say we are lawyers we know the law, we also bring it down to the level in which they will understand. That is why we have our advocacy groups, litigation and ADR groups. We have everyone working to impact on the society.

What is expected to be achieved by this year’s regional congress?   

By the end of this congress, we are expecting that more impact would have been made to the advocacy and sensitization of not only the women and children but the government to arise to their responsibilities where women issues are concerned. Also, we will be charging the government to do more, they have been doing a lot for the women- there is a social empowerment program by this present government. The First Lady is working on her own projects impacting lives, every governor’s wife in all the states are working. Ekiti is working so hard, I don’t just want to mention names; I know that all of them are working. So by the end of this congress, everybody will be more open and more sensitized to their rights because what we found in our struggle for gender equality is that we must carry the men along. It is not a women liberation thing. FIDA is not a women liberation thing- we don’t separate families. In fact we build families knowing that a solid family will make for a solid society. So we encourage family relationships, we counsel and we have achieved a lot in this regard. We have saved a lot of homes from collapse, But focusing on the reality on ground, we are saying that sexual offenders must be punished. Enough of the silence culture. People are speaking up now. They are speaking out now- I have been reaped; my daughter has been raped. People are speaking out now. Ekiti state government has done quite a lot and I give kudos to the First Lady of Ekiti and the Attorney General of Ekiti state who have now opened a sexual offenders register. Once you are convicted of any sexual offence, your name will enter that register for life for everybody to know and to see. It is becoming embarrassing and I don’t know what is happening and I don’t want to sound spiritual because this is real and it is happening.  So we are saying that the message we have to take away from this congress is that enough of women oppression.  We are going to rev up our activities on gender equality and all gender offenders must be punished, this is going to be our message to the world. https://sundiatapost.com/fida-regional-vice-president-awomolo-seeks-end-to-women-oppression-calls-for-gender-equality/

Sexual Offenders’ Register: FIDA Regional Vice President, Awomolo Commends Ekiti State Govt


… Calls For Punishment Of Sexual Offenders

By Chibuike Nwabuko

Abuja (Sundiata Post) – International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Regional Vice President for Africa, Chief Mrs. Victoria Awomolo SAN, has commended Ekiti State government for opening Sexual Offenders Register in the state.

Awomolo gave the commendation on Wednesday in an exclusive interview with Sundiata Post in her Abuja office while condemning the increasing incidences of rape in the country.

The Senior Advocate of Nigeria who noted that the rate at which cases of rape are recorded is now embarrassing, called for punishment of sexual Offenders.

According to FIDA Regional President, ”Gender violence particularly rape, is in the increase now. Look at Nigeria, there is no day that passes without incidences of rape of minors; rape of old women; by pastors, by fathers etc and you wonder why.

“What will push a 50-year old man to rape a 2-year old girl for example? At first they said the women were dressing indecently. What is in the 2-year old girl even 6 months old baby that a man wants to touch her? What is attractive to a father in his own daughter that he will rape her? The last one I read about two day ago was that a man was having sexual affair with his daughter since she is age 9 and now she is 19. Why will a father do that to his daughter?” She asked.

 The FIDA Regional Vice President therefore commended the First Lady of Ekiti and the Attorney General of the state for opening a sexual offender’s register where names of people convicted of any sexual offence will be registered for life for everybody to know and to see. https://sundiatapost.com/sexual-offenders-register-fida-regional-vice-president-awomolo-commends-ekiti-state-govt/

University Press: Bar and Bench Publishers sign MOU with Nassarawa State University

The Council of the Nassarawa State University Keffi has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the management of Bar and Bench Publishers for the construction of Nassarawa State University Press at Keffi.

The Publisher/Editor-in- Chief of Bar and Bench, Chief Ogwu James Onoja, SAN and Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Suleiman B. Muhammed formalised the agreement.

Onoja stormed the event with over 15 lawyers from his law firm as well as other key administrative staff comprising of the General Managers- Printing Press, Real Estate department, Accounts and others.

Expressing delight at the MOU, the Vice Chancellor enthused that having a printing press of the magnitude envisaged by both parties will not only be beneficial to the university community but to its environs and Nasarawa state as a whole.

Police to Army: How could a kidnap suspect properly restrained with handcuffs by the Police escape from the hands of his military rescuers?

The last has not been heard about the four police detectives who were killed in a village at Taraba state as the Army and Nigeria Police differ on how the men died.

A statement dated 8th August 2019, signed by DCP Frank Mba, the Force Public Relations Officer allege that the Nigerian Army has something to hide; stressing that it was insensitive, “disrespectful and unpatriotic for the Press Release by the Army to continue to describe Policemen on lawful National Assignment as ‘suspected kidnappers’ long after it had become crystal clear to the Army that these are Law Enforcement Officers who unfortunately were gruesomely murdered in the line of duty by Nigerian soldiers attached to 93 Battalion, Takum.”

.Read the full the statement below:  

In reply please quote 

Ref No. CZ.5300/FPRD/FHQ/ABJ/VOL.2/69                        Date: 8th August, 2019

The Director of News 




 The attention of the Nigeria Police Force has been drawn to the Press Release by the Nigerian Army dated 07 August, 2019, seeking to justify the unprovoked and unwarranted murder of three (3) Police officers and one (1) Civilian, and serious injury to other operatives, who were on legitimate criminal investigation activities to Taraba State, to arrest one Alhaji Hamisu Bala Wadume indicted in a series of high-profile kidnap incidents in the State. In the best tradition of Esprit de Corps, Inter-Agency Harmony and National Interest, the Nigeria Police Force would naturally have kept quiet, but it has become imperative to set the record straight by addressing the obvious distortion of facts inherent in the Press Release by the Nigerian Army. 

The most important question arising from the Nigerian Army Press Release is: Where is Alhaji Hamisu Bala Wadume? Alhaji Hamisu Bala Wadume is a millionaire kidnapper arrested by the Police but paradoxically treated as a ‘‘kidnap victim’’ by the Soldiers and subsequently ‘rescued’ by them. Where is he? Where is the rescued kidnapper?

Secondly, the Press Release was silent on the source of the alleged distress report or identity of the complainant, on the strength of whose report, the Army claimed had informed their decision to engage in the purported chase and rescue operation. Needless to state that in the true spirit of transparency and accountability, the Nigerian Army ought to have arrested the purported distress caller – if any – for obviously and deliberately furnishing them with false and misleading information. Besides, such arrest should in fact be made public! 

Thirdly, it is not true that the Policemen failed to identify themselves as alleged in the Press Release. The video on the incident, now viral, wherein the voice of one of the soldiers was heard loudly proclaiming that the Policemen were from the Force Headquarters, Abuja speaks volume. Besides, the presence of the IRT personnel was well known to the Taraba Police Command as the Operatives officially and properly documented not only at the State Command Headquarters but also at the Wukari Area Command and the Ibi Divisional Headquarters. As a matter of fact, some of the Detectives from the Taraba State Command’s Criminal Investigation Department (CID) were part of the operation. 

The Force also considers it insensitive, disrespectful and unpatriotic for the Press Release by the Army to continue to describe Policemen on lawful National Assignment as ‘suspected kidnappers’ long after it had become crystal clear to the Army that these are Law Enforcement Officers who unfortunately were gruesomely murdered in the line of duty by Nigerian soldiers attached to 93 Battalion, Takum. 

In the final analysis, we leave the Nigerian Army authorities to provide Nigerians with answers on the following questions emanating from their Press Release: 

* Where is the notorious kidnapper, Alhaji Hamisu Bala Wadume ‘rescued’ by the soldiers?

* How and why was Alhaji Hamisu Bala Wadume released by the soldiers?

* How could a kidnap suspect properly restrained with handcuffs by the Police escape from the hands of his military rescuers? 

* If Alhaji Hamisu Bala Wadume is a ‘‘victim of kidnap’’ as claimed, and properly rescued by soldiers, why was he not taken to the Army Base for documentation purposes and debriefing in line with the Standard Operating Procedure in the Nigerian Army?

*  Why were the Police Operatives shot at close range even after they had identified themselves as Police Officers on legitimate duty as evident in the video now in circulation?







Lawyers Kick, Describe Order To Detain Sowore For 45 Days Offensive

A group of human right lawyers in Abuja on Thursday kicked against the ex-parte order granted by a Federal High Court to the Department of State Services to detain the publisher of Sahara Reporters and convener of the RevolutionNow movement, Omoyele Sowore, for 45days.

The lawyers, who came to the court to express their solidarity in support of the human rights crusader, said that they would apply for the vacation of the order.

One of the lawyers, who spoke with journalists and asked not to be named, said that there was no justification to keep Sowore in custody for so long.


He said, “We don’t believe there is any justification for them to seek to detain Sowore for demanding that Nigerians should rise up for their socio-economic rights.

“For calling for revolution, he has defined the terms and has stated it expressly that things are not going well in the country.”

He added that Sowore was not the first person to call for revolution in Nigeria, noting that many people in government today had called for a revolution several times in the past.

He added, “Nobody arrested and detained them, no DSS came for these persons when they called for revolution.

“We have a lot of this evidence. It is most unfortunate that the government is now seeking to clamp down on dissents.”

Also react to the development, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Tayo Oyetibo, said, “There is a provision in the administration of criminal justice act that allows that to be done but it’s a provision that needs to be reviewed because the liberty of the individual ought not to be compromised on the altar of investigation. So, that law needs to be reviewed once again.

“To keep a man for 45 days without being charged to court is offensive to the constitution and offensive to the notions of the principles of the constitution.”

Another lawyer, Johnson Omede, told Sahara Reporters that the court order was alien to the crime the suspect had been accused of.

He said, “The order by the Federal High Court to detain Mr Sowore for 45 days is alien to the offense the suspect is been accused of.

“Revolution is nowhere mentioned under the terrorism Act and to have granted an order detaining a suspect for 45 days under the instrument, leaves us with more to be desired.”

The Federal Government had on Tuesday, August 6 requested for an ex-parte order to keep Sowore for at least 90 days.

Culled from: Sahara Reporters

Report: Jeffrey Epstein Dreamed of Turning New Mexico Ranch Into Insemination Factory

Jeffrey Epstein

Apparently, Jeffrey Epstein‘s dream was to turn his New Mexico estate into an insemination factory, thereby spreading his DNA all across the world and asserting his influence on humanity’s collective gene pool.

According to a New York Times report, Epstein used his significant resources to patronize various scientists and Nobel Prize winners, often discussing his plans.

Epstein reportedly managed to attract famous scientists to his dinner parties, Murray Gell-MannStephen HawkingStephen J. Gould, and Oliver Sacks, to name a few. Epstein hosted these scientists and many others at his Manhattan mansion, serving expensive food and alcohol; VR pioneer Jaron Lanier recalled there being attractive, young female guests at such parties. Epstein also reportedly flew scientists out for conferences on his private island. He even once took a group of scientists to his island via a submarine he chartered.

Steven Pinker, a Harvard cognitive psychologist, reportedly went to several luncheons and claimed that Epstein is an “intellectual imposter.”  According to Pinker, Epstein “would abruptly change the subject, A.D.D.-style, dismiss an observation with an adolescent wisecrack.”

Pinker claimed that he was removed from Epstein’s social circle after rebutting him during an argument.

Lanier described Epstein’s ideas as unscientific. Lanier also told the Times that Epstein a NASA scientist, whose name he could not recall, once said Epstein expressed that it his goal was to impregnate 20 women at a time at his New Mexico ranch, basing this idea off of the since-shuttered elite sperm bank known as the Repository for Germinal Choice.

Epstein apparently talked about this dream at several business meetings in the early 2000s. Witnesses claimed he divulged it at a 2001 dinner in his New York townhouse and a separate time during a 2006 conference in the Virgin Islands.

Epstein also had an interest in tinkering with genetic code and the transhumanist movement, a gussied up version of eugenics that employs genetic engineering and AI. He also reportedly wanted to cryogenically freeze his head and penis when he died.

Epstein was once asked during a deposition if it was true that he had an “egg-shaped penis.”

He did not answer the question.

Author James Patterson included multiple description’s of Epstein’s penis in his book Filthy Rich.

Epstein lawyers did not respond to the Times story. Earlier on Wednesday they revealed that would need some time to review a mere one million pages of evidence.

Following his July arrest at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey, Epstein was charged with conspiracy to commit sex trafficking and sex trafficking. He has pleaded not guilty. Judge Richard Berman later decided not to grant Epstein bail ahead of trial, for numerous reasons. The week after that decision–and a day or two after Epstein was served with documents related to Jennifer Araoz’s rape case against him–there was an incident in Epstein’s jail cell.

By all accounts, Epstein did not appear to show signs of injury when appearing at court on Wednesday.

[Photo via New York Sex Offender Registry]

Culled from: Law & Crime

Officer Somehow Survives After Stopped Driver Suddenly Heads for the Highway (VIDEO)


We at Law&Crime have seen our fair share of “Holy Sh*t” moments. This story more than qualifies. As seen in the video above, a police officer in Georgia hung onto a fleeing motorist’s vehicle. That cop managed to hang on for dear life as the driver headed for the highway. Eventually, the officer hit the pavement.

First off: He’s not dead, according to the department. Quite the opposite. The officer, identified as Nathan Daley, got treatment at a hospital, was released hours later, and is at home, cops said in an update on Friday.

“We are confident he will make a full recovery,” said Dunwoody Police Spokesman Sgt. Robert Parsons in the video above.

Authorities say that officers pulled over a man, Derric Simpson, because he was using a handheld device while driving. This suspect pulled over, but during the stop, put his vehicle into gear and stepped on the gas, Parsons said. Daley reached into the vehicle to stop Simpson, but was dragged off, trapped on the car, video shows.

One heck of a chase ensued between the suspect and the other officer. Parsons said that Daley hit another vehicle as Simpson entered the entrance ramp of Interstate 285.

As described by the sergeant, Simpson swerved to the left into a white van. Daley flew off and hit the pavement. What happened next was not clear. Daley pretty much flew of the vehicle right in front of a white van.

We repeat Sgt. Parsons’ statement: “We are confident he will make a full recovery.”

Here is Daley, who is very much alive:

Dunwoody Police @DunwoodyPolice

Officer Daley’s message to the community. We are all so thankful for the outpouring of love and support. We think the video says it all.. https://bit.ly/2KjlIMA 

“Everyone, it doesn’t–well, it does look as bad as it feels,” he said in a videotaped statement. Daley said he would recover 10 times stronger.

“I accept donations in the form of sweets, cookies, chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes with sprinkles, vanilla, or red velvet,” he said.

Anyway, police said Simpson got into a multi-vehicle crash. He stopped at the side of the interstate, and fled on foot toward the woods, said Parsons. This didn’t last. An officer caught him, police said.

Simpson faces charges including aggravated assault. It’s unclear if he has an attorney in this matter.

Culled from: Law & Crime

Cousin: Woman Who Killed Daughters for Damaging Her Sex Life Should’ve Gotten Death

by Alberto Luperon

The cousin of a woman convicted of filicide said the defendant should’ve gotten the death penalty.

“If you’re going to take an innocent person’s life, you should be prepared to give your life as well, and she’s taken two,” said the cousin of convicted killer Louise Porton, according to The Mirror. “She’ll have a TV, she’ll be given food, and she shouldn’t have that. What do those poor girls get?”

The cousin was not named because the family was dealing with trolls, according to outlet.

Porton didn’t get death.

“There is only one sentence that is a mandatory life sentence,” Judge Amanda Yip. “As with Lexi you tried to pass her death off as an unexpected natural death. You pretended you were driving to hospital. The truth is both children died because you deliberately obstructed their airways.”

Porton was convicted in the killing of her daughters Lexi Draper, age 3, and Scarlett Vaughan, 17 months. Prosecutors argued she did it because they “got in the way” of her sex life, according to the BBC. The elder sister died January 15, and the younger passed away February 1. Their mother didn’t seem bothered at all by her daughter’s condition, prosecutors said.

In laying out the facts of the case, Yip reportedly said text messages and Internet searches established premediation. Prosecutors argued that she searched for things such as whether covering a person’s nose and mouth with tape would cause death. She also wanted to know a time limit on resuscitation after someone drowns.

The defendant insisted she cared for her children. In the end, she was sentenced to life in prison with the chance of release after 32 years

Culled from: LAW & CRIME

4 Ways to Cover Your Ass Legally as a Business Owner

Client not paying? Sometimes, it’s best to sidestep a lawsuit by first sending a ‘demand letter’ written on your lawyer’s stationery.

By Han – Gwon Lung

Recently, I related to Entrepreneur readers how awful 2018 was for my business: ups and downs, mostly downs: My business partner Dan Foley and I were taken on a veritable rollercoaster ride of big bets and big busts.

Related: Managing Your Lawyers as Your Startup Grows

One of the only good things that happened last year? We learned a lot from lawyers. The reason was that all of our blockchain clients and security token offerings (STOs) needed legal counsel. So, we went looking for the folks who could help them.

And, not only did we help clients connect to attorneys, but we also collaborated on our clients’ legal documents: private placement memorandums (PPMs), purchase agreements and white papers. The takeaway? We learned firsthand the importance of setting aside cash for lawyers, even if you never think you’ll be in trouble.

Here are four other ways new business owners can make sure they’re covered legally:

1. Have agreements with your business partners.

When Foley and I partnered up, we were green around the gills. Neither of us knew anything about running a business. But we knew enough to draft up and sign articles of organization, and make sure we submitted incorporation paperwork to the right entities.

Why does this matter? Because a business divorce can be very messy (Remember how Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, in the ’80s, got kicked out of the company by his newly appointed CEO)?

In the event that you and your business partner(s) have a falling out, it’s best to keep things civil. There is a right way to separate from your business partner and a wrong way. Doing it the right way ensures that everyone gets what he or she is owed — nothing more, and nothing less. You can find templates for all sorts of business agreements and contracts at sites like RocketLawyerLegalZoom and PandaDoc.

One of our business partners last year actually turned out to be nefarious and tried to cheat us. But because we had detailed agreements in place, we convinced the partner to back down.

Related: Nine Common Legal Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

2. Draft and sign contracts with all your vendors.

Never assume people will play nice just because you’re paying them. You need to have contracts in place with everyone who works for you, not just full-time employees.

If you’re like most small business owners in the 21st century, then you’re probably relying on a number of part-timers and freelancers to move the needle. Make sure you have vendor contracts for all those 1099s. Solutions like HelloSignDocuSign and SendDoc make it easy to send, share and electronically sign contracts.

We’ve personally never had any problems with our vendors because we do our best to pay everyone fairly and on time. But we’ve heard horror stories from some of our colleagues — everything from defamation to lawsuits.

3. Send your clients contracts and ask for half up-front.

This should go without saying: Never do handshake agreements, not even with friends and family. No, sending a contract and expecting it to be signed by clients before you begin work for them is not insulting. It’s just sound decision-making. No matter who your clients are, always lay out your deliverables and payment terms in a statement of work (SOW).

And, while some municipalities, like New York City, have recently passed laws to protect freelancers, the truth is that clients who don’t pay on time or at all are a dime a dozen.

Fortunately, an easy way to increase the odds that a client will pay (and, a litmus test as to whether they’re trustworthy) is to simply ask for half up-front. Clients who aren’t totally trustworthy will hem and haw and complain, while decent human beings will say, “That sounds fair.” Good invoicing solutions include Quickbooks and Freshbooks.

4. If clients don’t pay, send them a demand letter.

In a worst-case scenario, where a client owes you a considerable amount of money and refuses to pay, you’ll have to resort to small claims court. If your contracts are airtight and you’ve kept records of all your interactions via email, chances are you’ll win the case.

But the legal fees involved in hiring an attorney to sue a nonpaying client aren’t exactly low. In many cases, you may end up spending a significant amount of money just to recover your money, which isn’t exactly the best investment.

That’s why your best bet may be to send a demand letter, first. A well-written, official-looking letter from an attorney who specializes in recovering payments is much more cost-effective than actually taking anyone to court. Services like LetterdashAvvo and LegalMatch help owners draft demand letters.

It pays to be prepared.

For new business owners with tight budgets, a lawyer may seem like a luxury. You may be tempted to draft up your own contracts using templates. And that’s just fine … until it’s not.

Related: What are the Legal Issues That Stare at Augmented/Virtual Reality?

When it comes down to it, having trustworthy legal counsel is probably one of the best investments you can make in your business in the long run. So, get some references, check your bank account — and lawyer up.

Culled from: Entrepreneur









In Some States, Medical Marijuana Users Must Choose Between Ganja or a Gun

The Federal Government says gun owners can’t use marijuana. States believe otherwise. Legal chaos ensues.


A bizarre, new legal issue has emerged in recent months that may leave those wishing to use medical marijuana having to choose between using pot or owning a gun.

That’s because federal law in the United States still lists marijuana as an illegal drug. And under federal law, it’s a crime if someone in possession of an illegal drug also possesses a firearm.

Welcome to yet another reel around the thorny bush of federal vs. state marijuana laws. While an increasing number of states have legalized marijuana, the federal government refuses to budge. As a result, even common sense issues about the plant are cloaked in confusion.

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Guns and Marijuana in Missouri, Pennsylvania

The latest example of the gun vs. pot issue is in Missouri, where state voters approved a ballot proposal to amend the state constitution and legalize medical marijuana in the Show Me State.

The ballots had barely been counted when the gun issue reared its controversial head.

The amendment, called New Approach Missouri, included provisions to protect the right to own a firearm and use medical marijuana. However, a spokesperson for the campaign told KAIT TV 8 out of Jonesboro, Ark., that  “unfortunately just like the other 32 states that have a medical marijuana program, there are some federal laws that do complicate that.”

Those complications also have arisen in Pennsylvania, where medical marijuana is legal. When Dr. Matthew Roman — a practicing physician in Philadelphia who uses medical marijuana — went to a south Philadelphia gun shop to buy a handgun for self-defense, he was asked if he used marijuana. When he told the gun dealer he did, he was told that he couldn’t be sold a gun. “The doc answered that question truthfully. And the dealer said, ‘I can’t sell you a gun,’” the physician’s attorney told the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Dr. Roman has sued the U.S. Department of Justice, saying not selling him a gun denied his Second and Fifth Amendment rights.

Related: Despite Being Illegal Under Federal Law, Cannabis Has Grown Into a $9 Billion Industry In States Where It Is Legal.

What The Law Says

So, what does the law actually say? The Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives put out a memo years ago that outlined the provisions. According to the memo:

  • Federal law prohibits any person who is an “unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance” from shipping, receiving or possessing firearms or ammunition.
  • Federal law places marijuana among Schedule I illegal drugs, the highest level possible and on par with heroin and LSD
  • There “are no exceptions” for those who use medical marijuana, “even if such use is sanctioned by state law.

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