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How lawful is AMAC’s gaseous emission permit limit levy?

By Onyekachi Umah, Esq., LL.M, ACIArb(UK) Improving internally generated revenue may include; increasing tax rates, reducing tax evasion and increasing the lawful taxation of more items/services. Since government must provide certain services but government does not have adequate business to generate needed fund, then government must generate funds through taxes and levies. However, to avoid…

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Win your cases at the speed of trust

By Chinua Asuzu Ethos encompasses these ingredients: broad and deep learning, a calm mind, civilization, courtesy, decency, equable demeanor, firm will, a kind heart, humility, moderation, modesty, noble spirit, stoic poise, and a modicum of ubuntu. Ubuntu is the ingredient that can power professional collaboration between adversaries at the bar. Ethos enables advocates to function…

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Persons Exempted from National Identification Number (NIN)

By Onyekachi Umah, Esq., LL.M, ACIArb(UK) National Identity Management Commission [NIMC] is the federal government agency created for the maintenance of a National Identity Database, the registration of individuals and the issuance of general Multi-purpose Identity Cards. There are certain persons in Nigeria that are exempted from registration for National Identification Number. Such exempted persons…

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Nurture the pinciting habit

By Chinua Asuzu Pinciting means using pinpoint or jump citations—citations to the precise page you’re referring to or quoting from. “Pinpoint citations are those that include the exact page on which the quote, proposition, holding, or rule is found. Use them to show your reader the exact source of important points.” Mary Barnard Ray &…

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