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Heavy mensuration: commonest symptom of uterine fibroid, says expert

From Chuks Moses, Awka

An Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, and university don, Dr Joseph Ugbaja has described heavy and increased menstrual flow as the commonest symptom of uterine fibroid.

Dr Ugbaja, the Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC) of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH) Nnewi, who made this disclosure at a health seminar at the weekend on Women’s Health, also pointed out that leiomyomas otherwise known as uterine fibroids were benign growths of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

He added that, “the primary function of the uterus is to receive, house and nourish the developing baby (foetus) and to successfully give up the baby when the baby is matured through the processes of labour and delivery.

“In the absence of pregnancy, the prepared inner lining of the uterus referred to as the endometrium is shed every month in the form of menstruation”, he noted.

The health expert however noted also that the cause or aetiological factors of fibroid is still largely unknown but that what is known is that, just as in other growths in the human body, it results from dysregulation in cellular growth.

“It is also known to be common among the blacks and older women who have not or will not conceive.

“The commonest symptom of uterine fibroids is increased menstrual flow otherwise called menorrhagia. For instance, if you have a normal four day menstrual duration and suddenly noticed an increase in the number of days as well as in the volume of menstrual flow as evidenced by use of increased number of pads, then uterine fibroids should be suspected.

“This finding may be associated with passage of blood clots during menses and feeling of faintness following each period.
A woman with uterine fibroids can also notice an abdominal mass which gradually increases in size with some form of mass effect on the bladder and rectum leading to some difficulties and issues with urination and defeacation.

“There may also be dysmenorrhea which is commonly known as painful menstruation. Sometimes, the only manifestation of fibroids will be repeated pregnancy losses.”

Ugbaja admitted that in a vast majority of cases, the fibroids are asymptomatic (ie no symptoms) and only discovered on routine ultrasound scan for other gynaecological problems.

Woman raped by herdsmen In Anambra dies; as viral video, incessant rape builds tension

An obscene video of the raping of a woman, allegedly by Fulani herdsmen, who filmed and circulated the dastardly act, is drawing condemnation, just as another gang-raped woman in Anambra has died in her home state of Ebonyi.

Rape, a weapon of choice by herdsmen against women, has become widespread across the country, from the North to the South. Many women have been raped in recent months, leading to death after the women were subsequently attacked with . nearby objects. The case of a University of Benin undergraduate and another young lady in Ibadan are under investigation.

But the rate of rape by women by herdsmen is assuming frightening proportions.

Worse, many of the women do not step forward because of the stigma attached to it. In the north of the country, an unwritten code of silence prevails as the women suffer psychological pains in silence. Some are quietly divorced, while many bear their pain with forced equanimity.

“Others don’t dare mention their rape on the farms, bush paths, and streams littered over here where we do not have water supply near our homes,” a source said in Niger State years ago.

Another said: “When you hear of banditry and kidnappings, be sure you did not hear the full story. In the South, they are a little more open; in the north, use your imagination, but the situation is terrible, it has been with us for decades and we pretend about it all. The herdsmen is considered a dangerous specie here”.

The source, who insists on anonymity, added curiously, “but you will be shocked it is not only herdsmen. Do you remember the son of a prominent Nigerian and Governor advocating gang-raping someone’s mother? What happened? Didn’t that state government weeks after begin to advocate against rape? That is the world we live in”.

He adds, “do you recall insurgents impregnating those they abducted, including peoples’ wives? What do you think is responsible? Minds are sick and barbaric, and only God can save and deliver all up here and down there where people are more open about these things”.

Meanwhile, a middle-aged woman who was allegedly raped to coma in a farmland at Ebenebe in Awka North local government area of Anambra State by suspected  herdsmen has reportedly died in her home state of Ebonyi.

The woman, whose name was given as Agnes Okekpe from Abakaliki local government area was said to be working on a farmland in the community as a labourer late last year when suspected   herdsmen who went into the farm with herd of cattle allegedly gang-raped her until she lost consciousness. She was later taken to her state by her relations for treatment where she recently died.

President-general of Ebenebe, Mr. Paul Nnatuanya, while narrating the emotion –laden story, said the woman’s ordeal was the common thing his people have been experiencing, in addition to the destruction of farmlands by suspected herdsmen.

He said: “The information we got from Ebonyi State was that Agnes has died. After she was raped to coma, our people took her to the hospital where she was revived. She died as a result of the trauma she suffered.

“After she was discharged from the hospital, she travelled back to her place in Ebonyi State; perhaps, to continue treatment there.” She didn’t continue with the business she came for.” “Her colleague who was able to escape said that before the rape, the herdsmen hit the woman with a log of wood, which made her weak and unable to raise the alarm..

“The herdsmen also took the money the woman tied on the her wrapper and it was the victim’s colleague that ran back to the town to alert the residents, who found her lying helplessly on the farm. When the villagers stormed the scene, she was already lying unconscious on the ground.”

▪︎ Additional reports by Vanguard

“Please, doctor, help me lie to my fiance, that I have never been pregnant”

By Adesida Adewumi, MD

I was inside my consulting room that afternoon when a gentleman and a lady walked in. I later knew Akin (not the real name) to be 38 years old and Juliet (not the real name) to be 30 years old. They were both planning to get married. “So what can I do for you both?”.

“Doctor, I brought my fiancée here for you to help me check her comprehensively and tell me everything about her health and I will like to know all your findings,” Akin said.

I asked Juliet, “did you hear what your fiancé said and do you give your consent to that?”

“Yes,” she emphatically said.

I documented this and asked her to sign the consent form. She did. Then I asked Akin to excuse us. I called in an hospital female assistant to stay with me as my witness.

There are three steps we use in medical profession to comprehensively check our patients. The first one is called history taking or interviewing. The second one is called examination which means checking the body. We do this in two ways. First, we check generally from head to toe, and secondly we focus on the important systems. Then the last step is for us to order for relevant tests.

There is something unusual about this premarital medical check-up requested by Akin and that was him asking for complete check-up. Many couples to be I have met usually come for genotype, blood group, HIV and Hepatitis viruses tests and once they are okay, they are good but requesting for a comprehensive premarital check up is not common.

So I proceeded into step one. I interviewed Juliet asking all our barrage of questions about the past and the present, the ones that concerned her and her family, work and social life and past relationships and abortions and so on. Juliet told me all was well. No single problem.

Then I proceeded to step two of the medical examination. I checked her generally first, all was fine.Then I focused on the important systems one by one.The major findings were found at the tummy. I saw wrinkles and lines that showed Miss Juliet was once pregnant or most likely had a child which she denied throughout the interview. Then I confronted her with the clinical evidence which she could not deny. Then she burst into tears begging me to help her lie to her fiance that she had never been pregnant before. I told her I would not be able to do that. Apart from betraying my oath, I would be putting my integrity on the line which is the major thing in my job as somebody dealing with human lives, as somebody that whatever I say today or I do not say, can make or mar people’s destinies. I told her I wouldn’t join her to lie to her fiance. She cried and begged me with her life. I stood my ground. I went ahead to counsel her to tell Akin herself when I called him in, but if she failed to do so, I would have no choice than to tell Mr Akin myself the whole truth about my findings. After a while she agreed to confess to him herself . That was better for me because the truth would be coming from her.

I called in Akin. I told Mr Akin every other thing I found and told him, his fiancee would tell him the major finding. So I waited and waited, but Juliet remained mute. She kept foot dragging. She couldn’t say it. I excused Akin for the second time. I counseled her again to tell him herself. She concurred but when Mr Akin came in, the same silent treatment took place.

I excused Akin the third time and appealed greatly to Miss Juliet to do the needful. She agreed but when Mr Akin came in same thing happened. Then I opened up to Akin about the past pregnancy issue I discovered.

Juliet rushed to her knees, held Akin’s feet and started weeping and wailing. Begging to tell him the whole truth. Akin told her to go ahead and tell him the whole truth.

Now this was what actually happened. This year made it three years they had been dating. They dated for a year before Akin travelled abroad for his two years postgraduate scholarship programme. He was so committed to Juliet that he had introduced her to his family and he kept in touch for the two years he was abroad. At least in a day they would talk for 5 minutes to two hours as time permitted. He assured all the time of his love for her and promised to marry her as soon as he was back to the country.

After he travelled abroad, Juliet met her Ex in shoprite in one of those times she went for shopping. One thing led to another and they started seeing each other again but Juliet, naturally, kept this from Akin. It was in this process she got pregnant for the Ex and the Ex insisted he would not agree to abortion of his baby. In all this she still kept communicating with Mr Akin.

After nine months, she delivered the baby but the baby died few weeks later in the hospital after developing jaundice. This led to the break up with the Ex. Then a year later Akin returned and brought her for this check up before marrying her. After she narrated this story I was overwhelmed and so many lessons started rushing through my mind.

I noticed Akin was calm, unperturbed and unruffled about all these confessions and tears. As I was wondering why, he gave his response.

“I know everything you confessed now because immediately I returned to the country, people had been coming to tell me all sorts of things that happened in my absence. Even over there I perceived something was wrong with you the way you usually turned down my video calls which was not so before. But you know what? Because of the love I have for you I forgive you.”

Then Akin turned to me. “Doctor, thank you for standing by your integrity and the oath you took to tell nothing but the truth at all times no matter the pressure. Keep it up.”

I went ahead to conduct the other relevant tests which later came back to be compatible with one another. They came three days later to collect them and it was as if no offence happened three days ago. Love is a powerful force behind forgiveness, I have no doubt. Three months later they got married. I was invited to the wedding as a VIP which I honoured. I asked for the permission of both of them to share this lesson on my platform for others to learn. It was granted. As I wished them marital bliss and on my way home from the reception the following life lessons started running through my mind:

Lesson number 1: This is to my fellow medical doctors. Always ask for your patients’ consent in all important and seemingly unimportant issues.

Lesson number 2: always document everything you discuss with your patients

Lesson number 3: never collude with any patient to lie to anybody

Lesson number 4: this is to all the young ladies out there in a committed relationship, always avoid Exes. This can put you in big trouble.

Lesson number 5: keep no secret from the person you are planning to spend the rest of your life with or someone that loves you so much. Don’t join others in keeping secrets from them them or lying to them. Even after 20 years into marriage, the truth may find you out and then the consequences will be grave.

Lesson number 6: when you are wrong or caught in your wrong doing, don’t defend your wrongdoings. Dont excuse them. Repent and show true remorse. Who knows, you may be forgiven.

Lesson number 7: Akin taught me a great lesson: LOVE CAN FORGIVE ANY SIN, I MEAN ANY SIN, NO MATTER HOW GREVIOUS IT MAY BE.

(You can equally add other lessons you have personally learnt from the story)

Share this true life story with your family and friends.

▪︎ Dr. Adewumi, works in the Department of Family Medicine, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, AKTH, Kano, Nigeria. Follow his page on Facebook: “FROM INSIDE MY CONSULTING ROOM “. Follow his health page on Instagram @doctorhealtheducation and on Twitter @doctorhealthed1 for daily education on your health.

A little girl, a flight, and her faith


(Author, unknown)

A business man was late for his flight. He reached the boarding gate just before it closed. Sweating and out of breath, he scanned his boarding pass at the counter and quickly made his way to the plane.

Arriving at his seat, he greeted his companions for the next few hours: a middle-aged woman sitting at the window, and a little girl sitting on the aisle seat. After stowing his bag above, he took his place between them.

After the flight took off, he began a conversation with the little girl. She appeared to be about the same age as his daughter and was busy with her coloring book. He asked her a few usual questions, such as her age (eight), her hobbies (cartoons and drawing), as well as her favorite animal (horses are pretty, but she just loved cats). He found it strange that such a young girl would be traveling alone, but he kept his thoughts to himself and decided to keep an eye on her to make sure she was okay.

About an hour into the flight, the plane suddenly began experiencing extreme turbulence. The pilot came over the PA system and told everyone to fasten their seat belts and remain calm, as they had encountered rough weather.

Several times over the next half hour the plane made drastic dips and turns, shaking all the while. Some people began crying, and many like the woman in the window seat were praying intently. The man was sweating and clenching his seat as tightly as he could, and exclaim Oh my God! with each increasingly violent shake of the plane.

Meanwhile, the little girl was sitting quietly beside him in her seat. Her coloring book and crayons were put away neatly in the seat pocket in front of her, and her hands were calmly resting on her legs. Incredibly, she didn’t seem worried all.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the turbulence ended. The pilot came on a few minutes later to apologize for the bumpy ride and to announce that they would be landing soon. As the plane began its descent, the man said to the little girl, “You are just a little girl, but I have never met a braver person in all my life! Tell me, dear, how is it that you remained so calm while all of us adults were so afraid?”

Looking him in the eyes, she said, ‘My Daddy is the pilot, and he’s taking me home.’

What a huge faith in her Daddy!!

She believed, trusted and obeyed him when he said, “remain calm.”

Can you trust God this much?

Moral of story: If we recognise the power of faith…..we won’t look for miracles.

May this beautiful story inspire us and brighten our path.

My 13 years old daughter lost her womb to my husband

By Adesida Adewumi MD

I have Jaruma and her mother’s consent to share this story with every mother to learn from what happened to them.

It was around 3 a.m. in the morning on that fateful Tuesday. I was on call. The crying of Jaruma’s mother woke us up in the emergency unit. “Please save my daughter’s life” was the repeated statement as she was carrying her daughter, wailing and running inside the emergency unit. We collected her from her hands and laid her on the bed. Jaruma was semi conscious. Almost gasping. She was just 13 years old. I saw her intestine coming out from her vagina with bleeding. In this type of case you must do many things simultaneously to save life and time. As I was setting IV line for Jaruma, I was asking the mother for the summary of what happened.

“We did abortion for her”.

“We? You and who?”

She was reluctant to talk. When I roared in my impatience looking at life leaving this small girl’s body on bed. She answered me quickly.

“My husband and I.”

“In other words, you are saying you the mother and her father procured abortion for this small girl that landed her in this?”.

“Her step father actually, my husband.”

“Okay why will you and the step father take her for abortion? Who was responsible for the pregnancy?”.

She was reluctant to talk again. When I looked at her ferociously, she said ” the father, sorry, the step father”.

My brain could not process that but I quickly examined Jaruma. Her intestine was protruding through her vagina. This could only mean one thing. Whosoever did this abortion for her would have passed an instrument through her vagina to her womb then perforated her womb with the instrument and used the instrument to bring her intestine through her perforated womb to her vagina and out. Most likely this was an unsafe abortion. Most likely done by one quack in one remote shop. There was no time to waste if we would not lose her.

I called the senior doctor on call with me and briefed him. He asked me to prepare theatre and got everything and everybody ready for the emergency operation. I asked Jaruma’s mother to get three bags of blood. We got her consent to operate her and we moved to into action immediately. After three hours of rigorous surgery, we were able to save Jaruma’s life but not her womb. Her womb had been torn and turned to ragged pieces. We could not salvage the remains of the little womb left. Part of her intestine too was already dead, the part that was outside her vagina that had been strangulated for lack of blood. We cut the dead part and re-joined the remaining intestine. In all this we were happy Jaruma lived. We gave her two bags of blood inside the theartre on operation table and we gave the third one outside in the ward after wheeling her out. She came around later. After one week on bed she started walking. She could eat and move around well. We removed our ropes we used in tying the tummy. She had healed well. We decided to observe her for one more week before discharge.

I had not been able to keep my mind straight since I heard what Jaruma’s mother told me in emergency unit but I had no time to interview her further since that day. So at the end of one week I was able to invite her inside my consulting room.

“Tell me more about that story you were telling me that day in emergency unit”.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. I told her to go ahead and tell me more. She said she married her first husband 14 years ago and had Jaruma a year later. Her first husband told her not to work. He would provide everything for her. So she was a full house wife for the 11 years the marriage lasted. She went through physical and verbal abuse in the hand of the man before the man finally divorced her three years ago. Her family disowned her, too. She found it difficult to feed herself and her five children from the first marriage. Jaruma was her first child. It was in the midst of this suffering the present husband, Jaruma’s stepfather met her and took her in. He was a divorcee, too. He had been taking care of them for the past three years.

I asked when she got to know he was abusing Jaruma. Long silence. I knew what I was about to hear would likely be shameful for a mother to say. She started crying profusely all over again.

“Doctor, I would not lie to you . It was almost immediately we moved in with him. My daughter told me but I shut her up. She told me several times, but I kept shutting her up for the sake of our survival and shelter. First time I confronted my present husband he threatened me that he would send me and my children out if I dared tell anybody or disturb him again. I have been dying in silence since that day, until three months ago when Jaruma got pregnant.

“We did all to abort the pregnancy for her at home using herbal concoctions, Andrew liver salt, Schweppes, small lime oranges, Sprite etc. There was no abortion,” she said.

I asked who told her all those things she mentioned could abort pregnancy.

“People,” she answered.

I laughed angrily at such level of ignorance.

The story fast forwarded to a nearby village where they went to see the man that helped them get the abortion done in one local pharmacy shop. He assured them that everything was out and well but Jaruma had been wriggling in pains and running temperature from the second day they came back home. Until that night when she saw her intestine protruding through her vagina and she rushed her to the emergency unit.

“Doctor, this was how my 13 years old daughter lost her womb to my husband o”, she said crying profusely.

Since that day she said her husband had disappeared into thin air. I asked her level of education and if she learned any skill? She said she was a secondary school leaver and a tailor but her former husband stopped her from practising the tailoring or doing any work. She had one child for the present husband already. I was lost in utter silence.

Jaruma was very okay after two weeks post-surgery. We discharged her from the hospital bed but she could not go home due to the fact that they had not paid up their hospital bill. So she was still hanging around the hospital environment. Many times I met her in different food shops around the hospital either in people’s company or alone eating. After three weeks in the hospital, they paid up and the mother came to say good bye to me with Jaruma. I collected their contact so that I could follow Jaruma up with the view of referring her for rehabilitation in our mental health department.

Now I am about to tell you what brought tears to my eyes and sank my wounded soul most, in this whole story. It happened one week after Jaruma and her mother left the hospital environment. I went to eat in one of the food restaurants inside hospital. I sat alone on my table. Next to me was another table surrounded by four men eating and gisting. From their discussion, it seemed they were patients’ relatives that had been in the hospital environment for a while. I heard Jaruma’s name from their discussion. This aroused my curiosity and made me pretend as if I was eating but paying cat ears to their discussion. The things I heard overwhelmed my soul. One of the four men started by saying, “do you know Jaruma finally left the hospital a week ago?”.

The second man said “Wow! I missed that girl. I enjoyed her so much, small but mighty girl.” The third one said “that girl was very sweet in bed.” The fourth man said “I was not able to enjoy her so much like you people.” My soul became paralysed on the spot. I had to fight back my teary eyes.

Apparently, Jaruma had become a sex addict already, perhaps as a result of her stepfather’s three years continuous abuse and her mother’s cover up. Now what do I do to these useless four men who had been busy raping this helpless minor who just had surgery and taking advantage of her fragile and damaged childhood.

I informed the Chief Medical Director who ordered their arrest to face the consequences of their abominable acts. If at all I might not be able to deal with the beast of a stepfather that started this, I was consoled that I was able to get justice for Jaruma in a little way.

I was able to stop this sex addiction of Jaruma through rehabilitation. I called her and her mother back to the hospital that very day, and referred them to the psychiatry unit. I was able to inform an NGO that helped them financially. She did well in rehabilitation and moved on with her life.

I kept close contact with the family. Occasionally I called to know how Jaruma was doing. The last time I heard about Jaruma from the mother was that she was in 300 Level Medicine in the university. The mother had got government job and at the same time doing her sewing work part-time. The stepfather died of diabetes few years after that incident.

This story happened 12 years ago but till now I am still in contact with Jaruma and her mother. It was recently I was able to get consent from both of them to share this story.

Recently Jaruma asked me the big question about which option was left for her as per child bearing in view of her womb loss. I counselled her to plan for adoption of as many children as she wanted and she had to let her future husband know her harrowing childhood experience and absence of her womb

Many lessons have been running through my mind from this story which I will like to share with you:

Lesson one: As a woman never ever allow any man to tell you not to work and earn a living. I am not in any way saying you should not be submissive to your husband but work I plead with you. This is my opinion and I am entitled to it. Women empowerment is key to so many things in marriage and our society.

Lesson two: Never for any reason cover anybody, even a family member of a crime as terrible as rape. The consequences on the victim are unimaginable. Help them get justice no matter what and who is involved.

Lesson three: If you are a victim of rape, know that this is not the end of the road for you in life. You can still move on in life to have a great career and future you rightly deserve. Do not harm yourself and do not commit suicide. Rather seek help physically, mentally, spiritually and socially. Whatever you have lost, God can replace!

(Please feel free to add your own lessons learnt from the true life story. Thank you.)

▪︎ Adewumi works in the Department of Family Medicine, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, AKTH, Kano, Nigeria. Follow his page on Facebook “FROM INSIDE MY CONSULTING ROOM “; his health page on YOUTUBE and INSTAGRAM @doctorhealtheducation
On TWITTER @doctorhealthed1
On WhatsApp:+2348068649694

Acting NDDC MD faints at Reps panel [video]

The Acting Managing Director of the the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Kemebradikumo Pondei has slumped during the investigative hearing of the House of Representatives panel investigating the commission.

Mr. Pondei was seen visbly struggling to answer a barrage of questions from lawmakers of the Green Chamber.

He suddenly lost composure and seemingly running out of breath, had fits of attack and was rushed out of the premises to unknown destination.

Watch video:

Recall that the acting NDDC Managing Director walked out on the House panel investigating the commission during the first hearing.

Watch video of the acting NDDC Managing Director walking out on the House panel below:

More details shortly…


Nigerian teen wins president’s academic excellence award, gets letter from Trump

– Brilliant Nigerian teenager, Ikechukwu Nwachukwu Dikko, has won two separate awards in the United States – A student of Notre Dame in Connecticut, he won The Presidential Award For Elite Scholarship in America and the Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy – One of the honours he was awarded recognised his proficiency in diverse foreign languages, while the other got him a letter from President Donald Trump.

A Nigerian teenager, Ikechukwu Nwachukwu Dikko, is another person that has made the nation proud in his academic endeavour abroad.

Popularly called a professor at home and school because of the brilliance he shows in his actions and manner of talking, he is a student of Notre Dame High School in Connecticut, The Nation reports.

The intelligent teenager has been winning awards in his elite school and in the White House, the latest being The Presidential Award For Elite Scholarship in America and the Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy.

A collage of the Nigerian and President Trump. Photo source: The Nation/Joseph Thomas Source: UGC It should be noted that the presidential award is given to young students who have demonstrated outstanding academic brilliance while the seal is awarded to students of Notre Dame who are skilled in at least eight different foreign languages.

The Nigerian genius can speak 10 languages which are Igbo, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, and German. Another thing worthy of note is that Ikechukwu’s father once wanted to be the governor of Connecticut on the platform of React Party.

Notre Dame in reacting to the awards said that it is not in any way surprised by the academic brilliance of Ikechechukwu. In a brief interview with The Nation, Ikechukwu said the awards have stirred in him to “keep striving for greater success”. His ambition is to one day become the head of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Penalty For Cooking With Firewood



In the FCT, it is an offence for a person to use firewood to cook within his/her premises in a manner calculated to constitute nuisance within the surrounding of his/her premises.

Three (3) months imprisonment or N500 fine or both.

See Section 20(c) of the Abuja Environmental Protection Board.

Arome Abu is the Principal Partner of TCLP.

CAVEAT: Note that this information is provided for general enlightenment purposes and is not intended to be any form of legal advice.

Obscure Legal Facts is an exclusive daily publication of THE COUNSEL L-P.
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SSS Must Release Emperor Gabriel Ogbonna From Illegal Custody Now By Femi Falana (SAN)

n Aba-based legal practitioner, Mr Emperor Gabriel Ogbonna, was arrested sometime in March this year for criticising the governor of Abia State, Dr Okpeze Ikpeazu, in a Facebook post.

Instead of advising the governor to sue the lawyer for libel in the state High Court, the police engaged in gross abuse of power by charging Ogbonna with the offence of terrorism under the Terrorism Prevention Act as amended before the Federal High Court sitting at Umuahia, Abia State. Mr Ogbonna pleaded not guilty to the charge and was admitted to bail.

He met the bail conditions and was released by the trial court. But angered by the order of the court that had admitted Mr Ogbonna to bail some officials of the state government invaded the court premises, seized the defendant and took him away to an undisclosed place.

It was discovered days later that he had been dumped in the detention facility of the State Security Service in Umuahia. In order to secure the release of Mr. Ogbonna from illegal custody his lawyers approached the Federal High Court to secure the enforcement of his fundamental right to personal liberty guaranteed by section 35 of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 and article 6 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (Ratification and Enforcement) Act. Upon hearing the counsel to the applicant and the respondents the presiding judge, the Honourable Justice D.E Osiagor delivered his judgment on June 29, 2020. His lordship declared the arrest and detention of Mr Ogbonna illegal and unconstitutional and ordered the State Security Service to release him from custody unconditionally or charge him before a court of competent jurisdiction. Furthermore, the learned trial judge granted an order restraining the respondents from further harassing, re-arresting and detaining the applicant over the facts of the case the court and awarded N1.5m damages for his 2-month detention without trial. 

Femi Falana (SAN)

Since then all efforts made by  the Nigerian  Bar Association and Mr Ogbonna’s lawyers to enforce the two orders granted by the Federal High Court for his release  from illegal custody have proved abortive.  Hence, a public interest case has been filed at the Federal High Court holden at Abuja by Mr Monday Ubani to challenge the continued detention of Mr. Ogbonna since June 29. Last Friday, the Federal High Court granted the application for the bail of Mr Ogbonna pending the determination of the substantive application. Since neither the Federal High Court nor the Court of Appeal has granted a stay of execution of any of the three court orders authorising the release of Mr Ogbonna from illegal custody the State Security Service should, as a matter of urgency, ensure his immediate release and payment of the reparation N1.5m awarded in his favour by the court. However, if Mr Ogbonna is not released forthwith  his lawyers should commence contempt proceedings against the authorities holding him in illegal custody as no individual or institution is above the law of the land. 

Kudos To Governor Wike 

In a desperate bid to prevent Ms Joy Nunieh from testifying before the House Committee probing the monumental criminal diversion of the huge public fund allocated to the Niger Delta Development Commission the police invaded her house in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, at 4am on Thursday, July 16, 2020. No doubt, Ms Nunieh would have been abducted and taken to custody  but for the Rivers State governor, Mr Nyesom Wike, who intervened and prevented the police from further infringing on her fundamental rights to personal liberty, dignity and privacy of her home guaranteed by sections 34, 35 and 37 of the Nigerian constitution. Since the Rivers State Police Command had dissociated itself from the unlawful invasion of Ms Nunienhs home the Inspector-General of Police, Mr Mohammed Adamu, should investigate the circumstances surrounding the deployment of the team of police personnel involved in the such reckless abuse of power.

While the governor deserves kudos for his timely intervention we advise the principalities who feel offended by Nunieh’s disclosures to sue for libel in a civil court. Apart from awaiting the report of the investigation committee, President Buhari should dissolve the illegally constituted Interim Management Committee of the NDDC, which has since become a cesspool of grand corruption. The allegations and counter allegations made by the parties involved in the mismanagement of the NDDC have exposed the country to underserved ridicule. Having regards to the fact that the Federal High Court sitting in Port Harcourt has restrained the Nigeria Police Force from arresting Ms Nunieh pending the determination of the substantive application for the enforcement of her fundamental right to personal liberty the Inspector-General of Police, Mr Mohammed Adamu, should prevail on the Rivers State Commissioner of Police, Mr Joseph Mukan, to desist from arresting her as such contemptuous act will portray the Nigeria Police Force as covering up the fraud in the NDDC.

Zero Tolerance/ No Excuse For Ab*se /Steve And Eve Can Be Framed. By Unini Chioma

By David Langwallner

The concept of zero tolerance is bandied about in an unthinking way as is the other slogan gets tough on crime.

The billboards around London desentise you with all of this and with pictures of hands with cuff on them. Well frankly there are a lot of people who should have cuffs on but let us assess who?

Now I should say I have no disagreement with either of these propositions of zero tolerance to criminality or indeed abuse as long as we understand what they mean and do not mean. It should be in an even handed way noted that Mr. Giuliani when he became Mayor of New York on a zero tolerance platform did two things. One he did deal however mercilessly with the drug problem in New York but 2 he fired over half the New York police department. I have advocated separately and recently that The Irish police force of equivalent levels of corruption should be disbanded and replaced with objective outsiders from ideally Switzerland or The UK where competence and ethical levels are much higher. Where the force is not intrinsically criminal.

It should also be stressed in Burkean conservative terms that moderation needs to condemn the extremism of left and right and balance and proportionality need to be reasserted.
The problem is an age of polarization that moderation gets crucified for being moderate as Albert Camus found out historically when he correctly condemned French torture tactics in Algeria but also suicide bombing extremism.

I am not tolerant thus and have zero tolerance for extremism and zero tolerance sloganeering masking deep structure criminality.

Thus we should in point of fact have zero tolerance for the following:

1. Racism on the rise throughout Europe and particularly prevalent in Ireland significantly over the European average according to a recent report from an independent anti racism comparative report in Vienna.

2. The destruction of minority business and livelihoods like a modern day Kristalknacht in many countries in Europe.

3. The rise of fascist authoritarians and the strongmen of Europe in Hungary, potentially Italy and also knee jerk populists and the triumph of al right conservatism also a recipe for the demonization and exclusion of non nationals and foreigners. In this respect Brussels through the infliction of austerity has morphed into a form of corporate fascism inflicting austerity on others as the bureaucrats enrich themselves like the aptly Brussels fat cat name Mr. Cresote in Monty Pythons The Meaning Of Life.

5. Left wing academic Stalinists barring sensible people from campuses on transgender or gender equity nonsense. Those politically correct leftists who endorse this nonsense in academia. Inverse racism which does not understand that all lives not just black lives matter or who attack progressives for freedom of speech however cutting as in The Charlie Hebdon massacre of journalists in France or the Lee Rigby murder in the UK.

6. Religious fundamentalist jihadist nutcases such as Youth Defense or Liberatas in Ireland but also evident in the UK or the dark money of the US Republican party who seem to regard it as their god given right to seek to entrap Islamic men in particular on chat lines, murder abortion doctors or target liberals with false allegations. In God We Trust INC.

Now regardless of whether an offence may or may not have been committed such tactics are despicable. These people are a modern day lynch mob no different than The Klu Klux Klan but they are gaining much control in America and Ireland with an unholy synergy between those two countries.

7. Criminal and semi literate police officers and social workers advocating zero tolerance when they should be in prison themselves. In this respect many of the police officers of the North side of Dublin which has become a warzone including but especially Clontarf and Raheny and indeed many of the police officers of Cork should be in prison as indeed should be the last two garda commissioners not the present one who is in effect an outsider and successive Ministers for Justice. They have sponsored, endorsed and countenanced criminality while purporting to resolve it. When the gatekeepers those whose business it is to enforce the rule of law do not do so then the system has broken down.

8. Ignorance and stupidity. Now in a small community like Ireland or Greece where work is allocated not on merit but because of associational and political ties and relationships in a dynastic way many wholly inadequate people are promoted well beyond their competence level ascending to dubious success, power and influence and then seek to use those positions in a protectionist way to destroy the lives and livelihoods of others. There is nothing worse than a vested interested masked as a moral principle. I have seen myself personally by someone now a High Court judge in Ireland that when selections were made for a Mental Health Tribunal and those deselected peddled influence to get reinstated that the entire process was fraudulently aborted on a pretext and those newly and correctly appointed had to go through a farce of a new selection process where the natural Irish order of rigging the game, pre determination and in fell well met snitchers were much in evidence.

9. There is also no excuse for the following abuses evident increasingly in Legal Systems and Processes.
(I) the manipulation and tradition of evidence and the framing of people by corrupt state officials.
(ii) The abuse of process of the state by the utilization of standing criteria, guilt by association, amorphous bad character admissions as in the Blairite reforms, non enforcement of constitutional rights such as due process or the creation of constitutional rights such as the right to have handguns by court structures in America.

District of Columbia v Heller (2008).

10. The cartelization of work and the exclusion of others particularly migrants, non nationals and mixed race people evident in parochial communities.

11. The targeting of poor or impoverished people and the upholding of the nefarious interest of transnational corporations, banks and vulture funds to create a worldwide housing and eviction and homelessness crisis and the concomitant breakdown in world order caused by the unregulated free market, structural inequality, human greed, corruption and folly where America I predict with the effects of the virus is on the brink of total collapse and internal civil war. In the corruption and caret context as the world recedes into ever narrower cartelised conglomerates note how Burke spent much of his career opposing the cartelized corruption of The East Indian Company.

12. People appointed to positions of civic responsibility on affiliations and ties where their lack of independence clouds their judgment.

Truly these are the matters that we should zero tolerance for. These are the abusive issues.

Also and here a final controversial though no excuse for those who say Eve was framed in a univocal way there is no excuse for those who do not accept Steve can be framed by Eve.