Home News Interview: Buhari and I, by Ortom

Interview: Buhari and I, by Ortom


Governor Samuel Ortom gave insights into President Buhari’s reaction to the attack on him, and other issues.

Below are excerpts of his comments when he briefed journalists after the meeting with the President in Abuja on Tuesday

“You know, the task of governance today in our country and in Benue state is very challenging. Security issues, economic issues where you have to be on the ground to handle things yourself, and that is what I’ve been doing. That is why you don’t see me frequenting Abuja again. And, most times, as a result of COVID-19, sometimes even Mr president we’re able to communicate on phone, except when it becomes very necessary, like now, I have to come. I have to see Mr President, first of all, to commend him for the statement he issued when I was attacked.

“It was quite consoling, and his directive that a thorough investigation be done and the criminal elements fished out. I think it was important. And I received that as quite consoling. I’m aware that the security challenges in our country today is not about President, is not about we governors, is about every citizen of this country. So, we must work together to surmount these. We cannot continue in this manner. Democracy is anchored on rule of law. That is why for some of us, you will see that I have not done anything illegal, including the prohibition of Open grazing law which my people told me to present to the House of Assembly, and eventually we signed it into law. That law is not targeted against any ethnic group, is not targeted against any individual or group of people. But (it) is meant to regulate the activities of herdsmen and farmers. And I think we have very good stories to talk about.

“Today, in Benue state, those who trespass against this law, who are herders are arrested, their cattle impounded, they are prosecuted and they pay fines for those cattle. And those who rustle cattle from herdsmen, we go (after) them, so nobody is spared. And it’s not about ethnicity. So, even the people in Benue state, the Idoma, Tiv and other ethnic groups are also being prosecuted when they contravene the provisions of the law.

“So, I am here today to also brief Mr President about my internal security problems. You all know that when Gana was killed, we envisaged that some other groups will spring up. That is what we are witnessing today.

“As I talk to you today, those who took over from Gana are busy terrorising the state. This is the internal problems we have apart from the communal clashes and minor crisis amongst the people themselves. Because of land matters, most especially all the communal issues that are happening today is as a result of land. But our security council in Benue state is very strong, we have extended it to local government and wards, and I think that by the grace of God we will be able to overcome that aspect too.

“I have recommendations to me, and also to let Nigerians know, especially those who are responsible for making inflammatory statements. We’re sitting on a keg of gunpowder, everybody’s not in doubt in Nigeria today about the security situation. And without security, there can be no meaningful progress going on. And so, it is important to put heads together, do the things that are lawful, let us protect the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria so that everybody will be secure. Let there be equity, fairness and justice. That is what I stand for. That is what I’m fighting. I believe that as my president, I do not want to talk about the recommendations. I’ve been able to recommend in some measures, and most of them, they agreed that nobody should be a sacred cow. If people are found wanting, they should be prosecuted, the police should prosecute them. And I think this is what is good. And the other time, he also gave an order for all those carrying AK-47, irrespective of where you come from, you should be shot on sight. And I think that is welcoming and is the best thing to do in a situation like this. And in order for the immigration and other security agencies to protect our border. I think all these are commendable. So, it’s not just enough to say that one criticises the policies of the federal government or the President, but when he does a thing that is good it is our responsibility to team up with him to ensure that that is done. Because it is when we are peaceful, when we have security, that we can talk about even tomorrow.

“I want to also appeal to Nigerians. 2023 Yes, to a politician is not far, but is still a long way. If we secure our country, and everything is working fine, then we can talk about 2023. But the way things are going if we don’t secure the country, there is no way we can be talking about 2023. That is why I’ve always dismissed people who come to me to say that you’ll contest this you’ll contest that. For me, I want us as leaders of this country, we have taken oath on Office, let us abide by those things we have said, and work together as a team, leave politics aside. Leave ethnicity aside, but secure the country, Nigeria. We have no other country other than Nigeria, we leave.

“So, my appeal to everyone is to ensure that we work together, security matters are not just for the security agencies alone. We, as people who are being led, we who are leaders we have a responsibility. It is only when we team up together, that we’ll be able to surmount this challenge. But I think that there shouldn’t be room for people who are creating problems for us.

“We have a constitution, we have laws of the land. If people are found wanting they should be cautioned, they should be arrested, they should be prosecuted and let the right thing be done….

“You see I prefer to keep my suggestion with Mr President between me and him. He has accepted and he has advised me on what to do. The rest is to follow up with security agencies, that I’m going to do. But impunity should not be allowed to continue to thrive in this country.

The second question is, I want to advise, like I said earlier, Mr. President did advise when he was condemning the attack on me, and pleaded with Nigerians that they should not politicise this matter. I want to appeal, I want to beg everyone that we should not politicise the issue of attempted assassination on myself. If a governor is attacked, then it is an attack on all. And I appreciate my colleagues the governors, irrespective of party affiliation… they have communicated to me condemning this attack. That is how it should be. We should know when to play politics and we should know when to team up together to work as a team to salvage the country. That is what I’m saying. Those who are saying that, what benefit do I have to come up and say that I was attacked?

“My security agents, not all of them are from Benue state. You have Fulani people there, you have Hausa, you have Yoruba, you have Ibos who are among my security personnel with me on that day. So, what benefits do I have to gain by stage-managing an attack on me. And so on leave those people, I see it as mockery. They are trying to mock me, but I pray that what happened to me should not happen to anybody else.

“Because the truth of the matter is that we know what is going on round our country. We know that there are AK47 everywhere from not east, south and west. And So people are there. But it is amazing, even when FUNAM came out and even took responsibility that they were responsible for the attempted murder on me and some people are there to trying to doubt that. I find it difficult to explain that.

“When Miyetti Allah went to Yola and said that im their problem, they had planned whatever thay want against me, because it was just last week they held a press conference and came out to say that im their problem. And that the law prohibiting open grazing should be repealed . how can I repeal? It is beyond me. It is not about Ortom, it is about benue state and Banue people. I didn’t just sit down and wrote and signed the law. It went through due processand everybody was invited when we presented the Executive bill to the House of Assembly, to also ensure that there is fairplay there was also public hearing in three designated places and we insisted that let there be a fourth one in Makurdi . so we dis public hearing in the four places.and it was unanimous that that law is meant to regulate the activities of herdsmen and farmers so that there is no conflict. And so far, we have done very well. The law have arrested more than 500 people. More than 200 people were prosecuted and convicted more than 13,000 herds of cattle were arrested. And the fines were paid, and they were released. And we have no problem with killing anybody anyhow in Benue state. We have told our people to ensure that they maintain rule of law and that is what is going on.

Question on a group claiming responsibility and insisting on having the governors head

Yes. I have reported him to the police and security agencies. Currently they are going after them. Once they get them, they will have to explain why they are asking for my head. I have not done anything illegal. As far as I’m concerned. As governor, I represent the people. The people have encouraged me to send an executive bill to the House of Assembly to enact a law which we did I signed it into law and we are implementing it. And So anybody who trespasses on this has committed offence, so this is the whole thing. So for me, I am law abiding. And that is one of the things that I am saying that those people will think that they owe this country should be apprehended and prosecuted or otherwise will begin to think that they are sacred cows. Miyetti Allah, FUNAM and all those ones, they are responsible, creating problems all over the place by what they say.

“And that is what I’m advising, that look, we are sitting on a keg of gunpowder in this country. Instead of creating adding petrol to an existing fire, it is not good enough. It is not a good thing, to begin to plan against people who are legitimately doing the right thing. What offence have I committed committed by ensuring that rule of law, democracy is anchored on the rule of law. So when people come out, and are insisting that they will not respect the rule of law, and you want me to keep quiet, I will not. But I won’t take laws into my hands. That is one thing. Because I love this country. I’ve been privileged to serve in various capacities. And for whatever reason, I should do the things that will coordinate and unite this country together. And what I’m doing is to ensure justice, equity, and fairness. And I challenge anyone in this country to come out, and point out to me that what I have done in Benue state is wrong and Prove to me. if your argument is superior, I’m ready to join you to find ways of changing whatever we have put in place, because I know that I’m a human, I’m subject to mistakes. But as long as I remain as governor, I will continue to prosecute the agenda of the rule of law, the oath of office I have taken I have to abide by it and there is no going back. Thank you. (Everyday)



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