By Eleanor Dye
You’ve probably never given much thought to silica gel packets beyond noting that they’re a mild inconvenience.
The tiny white packets are often included by brands in deliveries of shoes and bags – and we typically throw them out without a second thought upon arrival.
But they’re actually far more useful than they initially appear – and can be used as a savvy solution around the house.
The silica gel packets contain tiny beans of solid silicon dioxide, a desiccant or drying agent, that means they can absorb up to 40 per cent of their weight in water.
As a result, they are used to protect packages from any water damage while they’re in transit.
Silica gel can protect items from moisture and keep them dry, so can be a useful solution in areas such as the kitchen sink or bathroom cabinet to stave off mould.
On TikTok, the account Sustainability Matters advised: ‘Next time you find a silica gel packet in something you buy, do not toss it out because there are actually a bunch of practical ways to reuse them.
‘These packets help fight moisture build up, so I like putting them anywhere that needs to stay dry.’
The packets can be added to clothes drawers and near windows to prevent mould and bacteria growing.
They can last up to 18 months in a sealed environment, and it’s worth keeping them in an air-tight container to prolong their use.
However, it’s worth noting they need to be kept away from children and animals due to the choking hazard and risk of contact with chemicals.
As well as preventing mould, silica gel can also help limit rust, so is a useful addition to any toolbox. Meanwhile, placing it in a jewellery container may prevent pieces from tarnishing.
Make-up, especially powders, will last longer in a dry environment – and should keep even longer with silica gel nearby.
It also works to get rid of dodgy smells and can be added to shoes, backpacks and gym bags to keep them fresh.
Many will have heard of putting phones in rice after dropping them in water as the grains draw out the moisture within.
Most people have heard of putting phones in rice after dropping them into water, but silica gel is also a useful hack
But silica gel can be just as effective – and worth a try if the rice solution isn’t bringing the phone back to life.
‘These saved my phone! I now keep them all in a zip lock bag just in case,’ one person wrote on social media.
Silica gel is full of tiny pores, which take in moisture and absorb up to 40 per cent of its own weight.
As a side effect, it also deprives the bacteria of the moisture they need to create mould.
Other uses include for wet bikinis, to dry out flowers, extending the life of razors and many more.
However, it is also worth keeping an eye on them to make sure they don’t break and spill over the items you’re trying to protect.
Previously, DIY-ers on TikTok revealed how you can make moisture absorbers at home by using the ‘annoying silica gel packs’.
People placed the silica packets in a plastic jar and poked holes through the lid for the easy ‘hack’.
Culled from Daily Mail