Why Are Male Voices So Quiet ?

By Ireti Bakare-Yusuf

Yesterday, Punch posted a video of a young male student being beaten by other male students.
The school is Ajayi Crowther school, Oyo State.

Thankfully, Punch (or was it even Vanguard) did the right thing by warning viewers. Thus, I didn’t have to watch the video. A detailed detailed narrative was included in the body of the post. The boy was said to have allegedly stolen an iPhone.

The boy was beaten to death.

As a journalist, I have had to watch horrific videos in the course of my work. However, I can’t imagine the horror, the shock, and paralysing fear that that must have travelled through the brain of deceased as the beating continued, leading to loss of consciousness and his very last breath.

Alex Timileyin was someone’s child, too! A symbol of one mother’s love and one father’s hopes. According to social media reports, Alex is also said to be a prince from Warri.

Social media reports also claims that the perpetrators have all been expelled. That is not good enough.

Disturbingly, this most depraved murder has not made it to national news (not that I have seen anyway). Which makes me even more angry !!

Why the silence????

Had Alex been a female, women’s voices would be loud, rightly so. It is also likely that women will also be the ones to speak for Alex !!!!

While the responsibility for our children is our collective responsibility, why are Nigerian men quiet ? Why the heck are male voices not shouting loud for justice for Alex Timileyin??

Why is it that fathers, uncles, and brothers rarely lead these important social issues?

This is partly why our boys often have to default to self- help. The men who should speak for them are too busy doing God knows what.

JusticeForAlexTimileyin should be trending everywhere!

Do the right thing by sharing this post.

Alex Timileyin deserves justice !! May his young soul rest in peace. 🙏🏽

Sisioge 💔

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