Home Features When virility, masculinity, and fruitfulness go awry

When virility, masculinity, and fruitfulness go awry


By Lillian Okenwa

Jon Johnson in Medical News Today wrote: “Toxic masculinity is a term often used to describe the negative aspects of exaggerated masculine traits.” He noted that the term has evolved over time and has a place both in academia and everyday speech.

Again a study reported in the Journal of School of Psychology used the following definition to explain toxic masculinity: “the constellation of socially regressive [masculine] traits that serve to foster domination, the devaluation of women, homophobia, and wanton violence.” Meanwhile, people in modern society repeatedly use the term toxic masculinity to describe overstated masculine traits that many cultures have widely recognized or glorified.

But a trainee teacher in the Ashanti Region of Ghana has recently shown masculinity and fruitfulness could be interpreted in different ways. The young man who is on his way to the Guinness of Records has just impregnated 29 women – Headmasters, four teachers, and 24 students about the same time! They’re all pregnant for him currently.  

To foster the smooth running of schools, the Ghana Education Service and Ghana Tertiary Education Commission, GTEC rules on Teaching Practice, do not condone inappropriate behaviours from student-teachers.

As a result, manuals like the Supported Teaching in Schools, National Teaching Council Teacher Engagement, National Teaching Standards, etc., were developed to guide their Practice.

The teacher trainee in one of the Basic Schools in the Asokore Mampong Municipality is said to be a level 400 student-teacher from a popular College of Education in the Western Region. 

Voltawebpage.com report said the report of the sexual-escapade of the trainee reached a crescendo when community members got wind of his amorous relationship with the headmistress. The Asokore Mampong Municipal Police Command were said to have arrested the said trainee after a report was made to them.   

But did he commit any crime? You tell us, dear readers.

One last thing. Can promiscuity threaten your longevity? Yes. Having a large number of sexual partners has been linked to poor sexual health and decreased longevity. Although promiscuity may carry high prestige for men, promiscuous women are generally scorned.

Plus… a man who sleeps around is called a womanizer but a woman who does the same is said to be promiscuous; a loose woman… And so for the pregnant women….



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