Home spotlight The world must do more for disabled people

The world must do more for disabled people


Lending a helping hand shatters the glass ceiling. Nothing makes disabled people lesser humans. Nothing.

The journey towards inclusivity and equality for disabled individuals is more pertinent than we can ever imagine.

Currently, over 1.3 billion people, constituting 16% of the global population, live with significant disabilities. However, these individuals often face numerous challenges that hinder their access to a high standard of life, filled with respect and dignity.

he existing health inequities experienced by persons with disabilities are not only stark but largely avoidable. These disparities, encompassing higher mortality rates, increased health risks, and limitations in daily functioning, are fueled by unjust factors within and beyond the health sector.

Providing Access

Discrimination, inequitable policies, social determinants of health, limited access to quality care, and negative attitudes from health workers contribute to a system where persons with disabilities are frequently left behind.

Recognizing the urgency of addressing these challenges, the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres launched the Disability Inclusion Strategy (UNDIS) in 2019.

The Disability Inclusion Strategy (UNDIS) has given us the tools to initiate a bold systemic transformation, and is driving unprecedented progress for, with, and by persons with disabilities around the world

This groundbreaking initiative aims to embed disability inclusion into every facet of the UN system’s work and core functions.

UNDIS provides the tools for a bold systemic transformation, fostering unprecedented progress for, with, and by persons with disabilities globally.

Ending Workplace Discrimination

One critical arena where inclusion must be championed is the workplace.

Disabled individuals often encounter a lack of role models, inaccessible work environments, and pervasive discrimination.

Media, as a powerful agent of change, plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions.

Also, responsible representation of disability in the media becomes imperative in contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society.

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, observed annually on December 3, the world is reminded of the collective responsibility to break down barriers and promote inclusivity.

This day serves as a poignant reminder to reassess our commitment to the well-being and equal opportunities for disabled individuals.

It is equally essential to recognize that meaningful participation and empowerment of persons with disabilities are integral to this journey. With the Disability Inclusion Strategy paving the way, global unity becomes the driving force for a more inclusive future.

Today provides another opportunity  to renew our commitment to creating a world where every individual, regardless of ability, is afforded the respect, dignity, and opportunities they rightfully deserve.

Culled from Jollofmash.com



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