TERRIBLE: On her behalf, I apologize

By Dike Chukwumerije

On her behalf, I apologize. She did not mean to call him a terrible president. What she meant to say is that he is a wonderful president with terrible impact.

A wonderful president with terrible policies that have had terrible consequences on ordinary people.

A wonderful president who has unleashed terrible poverty, and presided over a period of terrible insecurity, worse – much worse – than the blowing up of 2 pipelines for which he was prepared to take a terrible decision to suspend democracy, while ignoring the terrible behavior of his own.

A wonderful president turning a blind eye to the terrible corruption and terrible nepotism within the fabric of his government, but wielding the sledgehammer with terrible viciousness on the heads of his rivals.

A wonderful president with terrible levels of intolerance for dissenting voices, and terrible disregard for the rights of young people to peacefully chose their own representatives.

On her behalf, I apologize. She did not mean to call him a terrible president.

What she meant to say is that he is a wonderful president with terrible, terrible impact.

Dike Chukwumerije

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