Home Opinion Still on the Pope and same sex marriage…

Still on the Pope and same sex marriage…


By Justice Abang

I don’t know what they are doing. I saw the explanations from the Nigerian Catholic community and wondered why there should be an explanation. If the church doesn’t support same sex marriage, it should categorically say so in four words.

Let me say this: Of all the creatures that are on planet Earth, the humans are the worst and most confused. In the study of law, we taught that a good law is founded on equity, natural justice, and good conscience. I want to ask how natural is sexual relationship between same sex? And what good conscience does it promote? If the Catholics do not permit their priest to marry and pray for them and allow them to continue with their priesthood, they are thinking of praying for sex marriages, this beats my imagination that they are considering same sex marriage while polygamy which is still a natural relationship between man and women is not allowed.

Let me just add that sexual behaviour is learned and developed over time. A child that is a year old won’t know anything about sex, but a child that is less one year appreciates a good/colourful toy. If he/she sees another child with a more colourful toy, he/she will immediately throw his/her own and begin to covert the colourful toy of the other.

If he/she is not given, you will bout of anger, which might include the child hitting his head on the wall, throwing themselves on the ground, etc. Clearly, this indicates that a child is born with covetousness. If you would expand that, it means a child has a tendency to steal, bitter, and ruthless if you stand in his way. Now, all these vices are in a child before sexual behaviour is learned.

Now, we depend on the parents and the society to help wean the children these behaviours which might make them murderers, arm robbers, etc later in life. If the family/society can help wean children from these vices that were innate in them, why can’t they society correct unnatural sexual tendencies that were learned later in life?

Why seek to make laws to legitimise abnormal/abominable sexual behaviours, which is clearly unnatural and doesn’t promote good conscience?

Why wouldn’t society think of legitimising innate tendencies that children were born with, which are covetousness and all the attendant vices that might include murders, stealing, etc?

Abang a public affairs analyst wrote from Abuja.



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