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Silkhood is a virtue


By Niyi Akintola, SAN

I was made a silk in 2001 well over two decades ago and a life Bencher 19 years ago. But I respect my seniors at the Bar so much that if I know you were called to the bar before me, I seek the permission of the judex to allow known seniors to join me in sitting at the front row in court except where we have more SANs in the court room.

I once carried a suitcase of a revered senior and leader at the bar on my head at the MMA 2, Lagos on our way to Abuja and the senior in question proudly announced this at a branch function in Ibadan.

I know many of my brother Silks who accord great respect to non-Silk seniors in and out of the Bar. It depends really on type of training and upbringing receives whilst growing up.

I was trained by many seasoned seniors some of whom though being non-SANs command so much respect in Ibadan Bar that we dare not even mention our cases before them.

We normally address the judex in this phrase “ My Lord, may I draw the attention of your Lordship with profound respect sir to the presence of our revered father and senior this morning in person of Chief XYZ. May I crave the indulgence of my noble Lord to allow our said senior the privilege of mentioning his case before mine. I am grateful for the indulgence my Lord.”

In all cases of such the prayers are granted with praises by the Judex and heartfelt prayers from the seniors affected.

Arrogating Seniority to oneself on account of status over those called to the Bar before you should not be a rule of universal application. It depends really on the type of training received by you and general upbringing.

 Chief Niyi Akintola, SAN, Life Bencher.



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