When Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, history was made as he was the first African-American president of the country.
Obama who is a member of the Democratic Party is married to Michelle and they both have two daughters, Malia and Ann.

In 2015, a few years after Obama was elected president, his first daughter who was only 16 at the time got an interesting marriage proposal from a Kenyan lawyer, Felix Kiprono.
When Felix Kiprono expressed “interest” in Barack Obama’s daughter Malia, many argued he was either not serious or he was simply a gold-digger, but the Kenyan lawyer quickly dismissed those claims.
“People might say I am after the family’s money, which is not the case. My love is real,” he said in 2015 while hoping to fulfil his ‘dream’ of marrying Malia who was only 16.

To show how serious he was with his proposal, the young lawyer went ahead to offer his intended father-in-law 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats to win his daughter’s hand.
The young man, who is also a student at Oxford University according to his Facebook profile, offered the livestock in order to fulfil his ‘dream’ of marrying Malia.
According to him, he had been ‘interested’ in Obama’s daughter since his first presidential campaign in 2008, when she was just 10 years old.

“I got interested in her in 2008,” he told The Nairobian in 2015. “As a matter of fact, I haven’t dated anyone since and promise to be faithful to her. I have shared this with my family and they are willing to help me raise the bride price.”
The lawyer who was not joking with his intentions soon started working on a letter to officially make his intentions known.
His plan was to give the letter to the local US embassy.
He later heard that Obama would be visiting Kenya soon and decided to tell him about his intentions for Malia in person.

Kiprono even went ahead to write a letter asking the president to bring Malia with him.
He had everything planned out – from how he would propose to how their marriage life would be like.
According to him, there will be no need for fancy hotels as he will propose on a popular hill in Bureti, Kenya, where leaders and warriors are usually crowned.
Then for the wedding, he would “surprise” his new bride with mursik, the traditional sour milk of the Kalenjin people of Kenya.

“As an indication that she is my queen, I will tie sinendet, which is a sacred plant, around her head,” he said.
But the Kenyan lawyer had many hurdles to cross, including the fact that Malia was only 16, and was not accustomed to the kind of life he was offering.
Even so, Kiprono maintained that “Ours will be a simple life. I will teach Malia how to milk a cow, cook ugali (a starchy dish) and prepare mursik (a sour milk) like any other Kalenjin woman.”
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