Home Opinion Right of Reply: Call for a free and fair NBA Abuja (Unity...

Right of Reply: Call for a free and fair NBA Abuja (Unity Bar) 2024 elections


By Nkereuwem Udofia Akpan

It is with regret that I find myself unable to agree with the views expressed by Chidi Udekwe Esq in his article captioned as above

Let me unequivocally state, right from the onset, that the caption itself is innocuous in that it pushes a narrative agreeable to every right thinking member of the Bar . Clearly we all want a free and fair election and we urge the NBA Unity Bar Electoral Committee to deliver one

Having said that, let me State that a perusal of the article in question, is indicative that the author’s main grouse seems to be the cost of the EOIs Forms. To that extent this writer is of the view that same tantamounts to an unfair critic of the NBA Abuja Electoral (Unity Bar) Committee, which committee had set out guidelines towards the conduct of the 2024 Unity Bar Branch polls . pursuant the powers granted by its enabling instruments.

Here is half a dozen reasons why this writer respectful disagrees with my Colleague Chidi Udekwe and would tag his bulletin as a hatchet job

Firstly contesting elections into an elective office in the NBA whether at Branch level or National is not a Fundamental Right but merely a privilege contingent upon meeting other criteria to be decided by the Electoral Committee itself

Secondly the Electoral Committee has powers to make Guidelines for the conduct of said elections and this is revised from year to year as allowed by statute of each of the NBA branches, if Mr Udekwe feels unhappy with thee extent of the powers granted to the Electoral Committee he should propose an amendment to the relevant statute or seek in judicial interpretation o the relevant statute , Regulation or Guidelines mutatis mutandis.

Thirdly the argument that the Expression of Interest form for the office of Chairman ought to be.free as that of NBA National is lame, banal, outlandish and ludicrous because the laws and stipulation governing NBA National Elections is different from those of branches and there’s no basis for comparison at all.

Fourthly if, as it is suggested, the Expression of Interest form were to be purchased free of charge , it would have opened a Pandora Box of sort and the number of EOIs would have been large and unwieldy as it would have been an all comers affair leading to a. onerous and. cumbersome process .

Fifthly, by fixing the price for EOI Forms at. N250,000 , only serious candidates would bother.to throw their hats into the Ring .

Sixth reason for my disagreement with the article is that NBA elections is not part of legal practice neither is it a career path that one must willy nilly pursue. Anyone who is qualified to run must. comply with the stipulations set out by the Electoral Committee and not heat up the polity with this sort off unfair criticism. Much as a fair, balanced and constructive criticism are laudable and should be encouraged , from where I’m standing, this one has not made the cut

These sort of crurusm is not necessary at this time at all , if Mr Chidi finds the NBA branches elections too expensive, he. has the option to wait for the national elections where he can pick the Expression of interest form for free .

Chief Nkereuwem Udofia Akpan
Constitutional Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, writes from Abuja



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