Home spotlight Rethinking and Rebuilding Our Society: The truth we must tell ourselves

Rethinking and Rebuilding Our Society: The truth we must tell ourselves


By Oyedeji Olufemi

In my many years of community engagement on various issues affecting our society and the efforts to promote behavior change towards reversing these negative concerns. One message kept resonating from the community; they often ask what has the government done for us?

Questions like:

Is it not the corrupt politicians that destroyed our society?

Making our girls vulnerable to prostitution.

Forcing our boys into different kinds of scams (like yahoo yahoo) as means of survival.

They blame the political leaders for all the rot in our society.

To address these questions, I simply educate them in a very simple form.

I said to them, those who destroyed our society are not the politicians or the political leaders as we often referred to them but those who raised them.

The corrupt politician was raised by a family, the lecturer that demand sex for mark was raised by a family, the man who battered his wife was raised by a family, the father that abandoned his children to suffer was raised by a family, the doctor who divert govt property to his private hospital was raised by a family, the judge that compromised the truth was raised by a family, the list is endless.

The society must take responsibility for the rot and moral decadence we see in our society today.

Like politicians, like lecturers, like judges, like doctors. Lets stop trading blames and take responsibility to fix the mess we see in our society today.

We must rethink and rebuild our society. We all have a great role to play and make Nigeria great again.

Oyedeji Olufemi
Community Engagement Specialist
Child Rights Advocate
Anti-Trafficking Specialist
A development consultant



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