Recent study shows how constant anger raises stroke risk, heart disease

Several studies have found links between negative emotions and cardiovascular problems. A recent study has revealed how regular anger raises heart disease, stroke risk

Regular and extreme anger, a new research has shown can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, prompting experts to emphasise the importance of anger management strategies for better cardiovascular health.

According to the study, anger is detrimental to the heart and brain since it raises the risk of heart disease and stroke in those who experience it frequently.

The researchers said getting briefly angry but not having other emotions such as sadness or anxiety can change the functioning of blood vessels, which might make heart attacks and strokes more likely.

The study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association revealed that there is a relationship between an acute episode of anger and an increased risk of heart attack.

The researchers suggested that even short bouts of anger could worsen cardiovascular health and may trigger heart diseases, heart attacks, and strokes.

The study, which was conducted by researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Centre, Yale School of Medicine, and St. John’s University in New York, United States, indicated that heart attacks and strokes typically occur when the blood flow to the heart or brain is blocked.

During the study, no fewer than 280 healthy adults were invited and randomised into four groups that recalled events that made them angry, sad, or anxious.

A control group also repeatedly counted out loud from 1 to 100 for 8 minutes and maintained a neutral emotional state.

The study’s lead author, Professor Daichi Shimbo explained, “We saw that evoking an angered state led to blood vessel dysfunction, though we don’t yet understand what may cause these changes.

“This suggests that intense emotions could contribute to cardiac events in people who already have poor health. Repeated episodes of negative emotion may affect cardiovascular physiology over time, causing irreversible damage.

“Investigation into the underlying links between anger and blood vessel dysfunction may help identify effective intervention targets for people at increased risk of cardiovascular events.

“When angry, the body is flooded with stress hormones. These hormones result in detectable physiological changes like a rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. How well the blood vessels respond to these changes can have a strong effect on the risk of stroke and heart disease.”

A research team led by Dr. Daichi Shimbo of Columbia University set out to learn more about potential links between negative emotions and blood vessel function. They enrolled 280 adults, ages 18 and older, in the New York City area. The average age of participants was 26. About 40% were Caucasian, 29% Hispanic/Latino, 19% Asian, and 14% Black. All were considered healthy, with no reported history of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or other serious conditions. None reported taking medications or dietary supplements.

Participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: anger, anxiety, sadness, or emotionally neutral. Those in the anger or anxiety groups were asked to recall and talk for eight minutes about a personal memory that evoked the assigned emotion. Those in the sadness group read aloud for eight minutes a series of sentences designed to elicit sadness. And those in the fourth group repeatedly counted to 100 for the same amount of time, which controlled for potential effects of speaking.

The researchers collected several measurements before and after the emotion-related task. These included blood pressure, heart rate, and blood tests. Specialized probes placed on participants’ index fingers were used to detect changes to blood vessel dilation. The team also tested for evidence of cell injury or reduced repair capacity in blood vessels. Measurements were taken at baseline and at 3, 40, 70, and 100 minutes after the task. Results were reported in the Journal of the American Heart Association on May 7, 2024.

Participants in the anger group had significant impairment to blood vessel dilation compared to the neutral group. This impairment continued for up to 40 minutes after the anger task had ended. Blood vessel function in the anxiety group may also have been impaired, but the effect wasn’t large enough to prove it wasn’t due to chance. Blood vessel function in the sadness group was not significantly affected. The team found no significant evidence of cell injury or repair problems in any group

In his reaction, an Honourary Consultant Cardiologist at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State, Dr Oladimeji Adebayo, stressed the need for further research to explore the mechanisms behind anger’s detrimental effects on blood vessels.

Speaking exclusively with PUNCH Healthwise, the physician noted that there is a need for future studies to delve deeper into these mechanisms and explore whether cultivating positive emotions could counteract the adverse effects of anger on cardiovascular health.

While the precise mechanisms linking anger to cardiovascular issues remain unclear, Adebayo highlighted the urgent need to prioritise anger management as a preventive measure against heart disease and stroke.

He further said, “Please note effective anger management strategies include exercise, yoga, deep breathing, and cognitive behavioural therapy.

“While one may not say we should say we should start applying that to reduce cardiovascular diseases, we should realise the benefit of anger management transcends health benefits into social and cultural benefits.

“But overall, this research highlights the importance of managing anger to prevent potential cardiovascular risks.”

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