Home spotlight Protect victims of human trafficking, prosecute perpetrators —FIDA Nigeria tells FG

Protect victims of human trafficking, prosecute perpetrators —FIDA Nigeria tells FG


FIDA Nigeria Press Statement on World Day against Trafficking in Persons

Theme: Leave No Child Behind in the Fight against Human Trafficking

In staunch solidarity, FIDA Nigeria stands with the global community on this World Day against Trafficking in Persons to raise awareness and take decisive and accelerated action against the horrific crime of human trafficking. This year’s theme, “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight against Human Trafficking,” underscores the urgent need to protect the most vulnerable among us, our children.

According to the UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, one in three victims of human trafficking globally, is a child and the majority of these trafficked children are girls. This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need for comprehensive and targeted measures to safeguard our children from falling prey to traffickers. Children, with their inherent vulnerability, are exploited for forced labor, sexual slavery, and other forms of abuse, robbing them of their childhood, dignity, and overall future.

The impact of human trafficking on women and children is devastating. Women often trafficked for sexual exploitation, endure unimaginable physical and psychological trauma. Stripped of their autonomy and subjected to violence, they are forced into situations of extreme degradation. For children, the situation is equally harrowing.

They are not only exploited but also denied their fundamental rights to education, health, and a safe environment. These young victims are often coerced into child labor, domestic servitude, or forced begging, suffering severe emotional and psychological scars that can last a lifetime. This vicious cycle of trauma and exploitation perpetuates poverty, destabilizes families, and undermines the social fabric of communities.

In Nigeria, the situation is alarming. Many children are trafficked within and across our borders, subjected to forced labor in domestic servitude, street begging, and the worst forms of child labor. The trafficking of women and children is not only a violation of human rights but also a severe impediment to national development. It destabilizes families and communities, perpetuates poverty, and severely undermines the rule of law.

Grounded upon its core vision of protection, preservation and promotion of the rights of women and children through ensuring accessible justice particularly to the indigent and vulnerable, FIDA is deeply committed to the fight against human trafficking. Through our legal aid services, dogged advocacy, and community outreach programs, FIDA works tirelessly to provide support to victims, raise awareness about the dangers of trafficking, and collaborate with relevant stakeholders to create a robust legal and social framework to combat this horrific menace.

FIDA Nigeria makes a concerted call on the Government, Law enforcement agencies, civil society organizations, private sector and the international community to intensify efforts to prevent human trafficking, protect victims, and prosecute perpetrators. Urgent and comprehensive action in this regard is non negotiable in order to tackle this nefarious situation. Government must as a matter of urgency, prioritise child protection, improve law enforcement and allocate more resources to combat trafficking. It is imperative to strengthen our laws, enhance cross-border cooperation, and provide adequate resources for the rehabilitation and reintegration of victims.

FIDA remains resolute in this fight and re-affirms its commitment to leaving no child behind. We strongly push for the implementation of child sensitive justice mechanisms and will continue to advocate for strengthened laws against trafficking, provide support to victims and work tirelessly for a world where human trafficking is eradicated. Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment, free from exploitation and abuse.

Together, we can build a society where the rights and dignity of every individual, especially women and children are upheld and where the vulnerable in our society are protected from exploitation.









Amina Suzanah Agbaje (Mrs.)
Country Vice President/ National President
FIDA Nigeria



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