Home spotlight Pro-Life activist Chris Slattery dies at 68

Pro-Life activist Chris Slattery dies at 68


By Sonnie Ekwowusi

Prominent pro-life activist, founder and the CEO of Expectancy Mother Care Crisis Pregnancy Centre, Chris SLATTERY is dead.

Chris a member of Opus Dei, an institution of the Catholic Church, died in Calvary Hospice, Bronx, New York City, United States on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, after battling with double cancer for years.

Remembered for his unflinching commitment to the rescue of the unborn amid the threat by the abortionists, Chris courageously set up his Crisis Pregnancy Centers in front of the abortion clinics in the parts of New York City where abortion is performed. Chris believed that the best way to destroy the abortion industry is to rescue the unborn before they are killed. Because Chris was saving the lives of many unborn children, the abortionists in New York City took him to court many times but he defeated them in court in those court cases.

Generous, simple, unassuming and admirable Catholic faithful, Chris purchased a House in the central part of Bronx in New York City and dedicated the House to prolife work and activities. Every year, Chris invited interns from across the world including Nigeria to spend some time in the House and assist in going to abortion clinics in New York City to save the lives of the unborn. Chris usually gave the interns free feeding, free accommodation and free transportation throughout their stay. And on completion of their stay, Chris usually gave them some dollars on their way home.

In September 2023, Chris had proposed to come to Nigeria to deliver a Free Crisis Pregnancy Training on how to save the lives of the born, but he suddenly went into a cancer crisis at that time. Consequently, the Training was put on hold pending Chris’ recovery.

With the passing of Chris, the pro-life community in the world has indeed lost a great fighter in the struggle to save the lives of the unborn. Our consolation, however is that Chris is enjoying the beatific vision at the moment in company with all the unborn babies whose lives he has saved while on earth.

With tears in our eyes, we commend our brother Chris to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Angels as we beseech Our Lord to welcome Chris into His heavenly glory where there is unending bliss, peace, fellowship and joy.



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