We must have zero tolerance for sexual harassment, even if the perpetrator is somebody we like and admire — Ana Navarro
Justice and compensation for victims of sexual harassment, as well as punishment for perpetrators, however highly placed, were part of the recommendations made by the principal partner of Dr O.J. Onoja, SAN & Associates/ Publisher/Editor in Chief of Bar and Bench Publishers Limited, Dr. Ogwu James Onoja, SAN, during a recent webinar hosted by the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) on sexual harassment.
Delivering a paper titled COMBATING SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE LEGAL PROFESSION: Fostering a Safe and Inclusive Workplace, Dr Onoja called on leaders of the bar and bench to live and lead by example, adding that allegations of sexual harassment must be thoroughly investigated and punishment meted out when a perpetrator is identified.
The Senior Advocate maintained that: “Principal Partners, the members of the Inner Bar and Heads of our Courts have an express and constructive obligation to ensure that they not only live by example but must investigate all allegations of sexual harassment and provide adequate punishment, deterrence and payment of compensations and engage therapists for the survivors.
“The issue of consent should not be an exculpating factor to let off the randy Principals and Head of Courts who engage in sexual harassment of their junior colleagues in the workplace. Such consents are usually given due to threats, intimidation and manipulations.”
Dr Onoja stressed that: “The Bar and Bench as custodians, interpreters and enforcers of
legislation must lead in the war against sexual predators in office environments. Any leader either of the Bar and Bench found wanting in this regard should be made to face the laws as well as pay compensations to the survivors.
“I must commend the NBA Women Forum for their rugged stand and attempts at formulating Sexual Harassment Policy for the Lawyers in the working environment. This policy should not focus on only women survivors.
“Men are also vulnerable and victims of women with capacity, audacity and opportunity to sexually harass innocent male lawyers. The juniors in chambers and courts also harass seniors sexually to tempt them.
“The NBA Women Policy on Sexual Harassment should be updated to include all categories of sexual harassment and made the document available to all members of the Bar and bench to educate the members and advise them on how to make complaints and get
help. This should cover the following types of sexual harassment:
- Male Principal Partner against Female Junior partner or colleague.
- Female Principal partner against Male Junior partner or colleagues.
- Male principal Partner against Male Junior partners
- Female Principal partner against female principal partner or vice versa
“A safe, free and healthy work environment is sin qua non to a healthy, fruitful, productive and beneficial professional service and justice delivery. By fostering a safe and inclusive workplace, we uphold our professional ethics and cultivate an environment where everyone can thrive.
“Let’s commit to making our legal community a space where respect prevails, and every individual can contribute without fear.”
Below is the full text of Dr. Onoja’s paper.