Home Faith NSPPD Fasting and Prayer Points 9th January 2024 (Day 2)

NSPPD Fasting and Prayer Points 9th January 2024 (Day 2)


Brace up for Day 2 as we press into our EARLY ANSWERS!!!! Remember to study Joel 2:23, Isaiah 65:24, 66:8-9, Psalm 46, Isaiah 43:18-19, Matthew 7:7 and then:

LIFT UP YOUR HEADS O YE GATES, Ye everlasting Doors of 2024!!! CHAPTERS OF EARLY ANSWERS, EPHAPHATHA!!!! 3x (Psalm 24:7, Mark 7:34)

It’s a New Year! It’s a New Season! It’s a New Dawn and in This 2024, Divine activity will not be delayed in my life! As the Spirit moves, as the Light of God’s Word invades me, let creation take place, let new things burst out, all things are ready for my early answers! Hallelujah! (Genesis 1)

2024 is my year of MULTIPLES! This January, by the mercies of God, I emerge with an evidence of this Prophecy for What God Cannot do does not exist! My testimony this January shall be Early Satisfaction, over exceeded expectations! (1 Corinthians 2:9, Lamentations 3:22-23)

From my body, to my soul and spirit, I am rightly positioned and postured for Early Answers in 2024! Powers that arise to distract men at Kairos moments and cause delays, I am not your candidate! FIRE!!! (Acts 2:1-4)

O earth! Hear me now: every harvest that was trapped in you last year, this 2024 deliver by fire! January! You are on an errand to ensure my answers arrive early, speedily, hastily, without warning! Hallelujah! (Jeremiah 22:29)

2024: I am coming out! Any valley of delay, disappointments, set backs and denials, I come out by Fire! Members of my family trapped in this same valley, I drag them out come out by Fire! (Psalm 23)

Something greater is coming and I will not stop myself! I receive strength in my inner man to Rise above weaknesses and limitations! My manifestation must be Early! (Hebrews 11:11-12(msg))

Heaven is no longer silent! Before the end of January, the lord will do something that will make up for the quietness of previous years! Let angels with trumpets of my New Season arise and blow, I carry an early outburst of Mega Celebrations! (Revelation 

Powers of Hell that sponsor delays between prophecy and manifestation, FIRE!!! Not in my 2024! For every word I have received and will receive, I carry my early answers, results and evidence!(Acts 10:44)

I serve the God of Vengeance! Any adversary or adversity, man/woman/system that has stood in the way of my answers, disappear by Fire!!! In these early days of my 2024, let there be a flood of my long awaited answers and results! Fire! (Luke 18:1-8)

In the same places where I experienced lack, stagnation and dryness in previous years, let there be a sudden turnaround by Fire! Just Like Manna from Heaven in the wilderness, I wake up every morning in 2024 to supernatural provisions. Hallelujah! (Exodus 16:13-18)

I Am a candidate of The Help of God! Demonic Hinderances/ Territorial forces of darkness, Princes of Persia that have stood in the way of my answers in time past, Fire! As a sign of my breakthrough, I carry that 10 in 1 testimony, My help has arrived EARLY!!! (Psalm 46:5)

January 2024: I hear the sound of the abundance of a rain of Early answers! Let it rain! 7x (Joel 2:23)


See Also: NSPPD fasting and prayer Day 1



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