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Nosey mother-in-law exposes own dark secrets after insisting new grandkid has unusual looks


“One of the easiest things in life is to judge others. One of the simplest things we can ever do is to tell how wrong people are. One of the most thoughtless things we can ever do is to show people their faults unconstructively. It is always so easy and common to do such things but, before you do that, find the uncommon reasons for the faulty life…”, said Ernest Agyemang Yeboah.

The holy book also said “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” – Matthew 7:1-2

Hmmnn…. And that was how this meddlesome mother-in-law in the bid to embarrass her daughter-in-law ended up exposing her deeply buried secret.

The Mirror reports that this meddlesome mother-in-law would not stop harping on her new granddaughter’s ‘unusual’ appearance. Her unrelenting comments came about after the baby was born with green eyes – a characteristic nobody else in their family shared.

The new mum ended up submitting a DNA test for her husband and their daughter in a bid to clear her name. But the shocking results revealed a decades-old secret that the grandmother had been hiding.

The new mum said on Reddit: “I gave birth to my daughter two months ago and despite my husband telling me he knows I’d never cheat on him, I wanted to give our daughter a paternity test. The reason – she has green eyes.

“My husband and I don’t have green eyes, my parents don’t either and neither do my in-laws – no one in my family has them. My husband said it was probably some weird genetic thing but I wanted the test for his peace of mind.

“He kept refusing because he trusts me but his mother keeps commenting on her eyes, as do the rest of his family, who keep making comments about me possibly cheating. Even my family finds it odd that our daughter has green eyes.”

Much to her delight, her husband eventually agreed to do the paternity test, and as expected, the results came back saying he was the father of their daughter. But after reading the results in more detail, she realised something was very wrong.

“Our daughter is his but my father-in-law isn’t my husband’s father,” she added. “My in-laws have been married for decades so the idea that my mother-in-law cheated on my father-in-law never crossed either of our minds.

 “My husband wants to confront his mother but I’m telling him to wait. Yes, she’s a liar and a hypocrite but we need to think this through.

“I agree my father-in-law should know but we’re both tired from taking care of a newborn, we’ve found out something shocking and we are not thinking rationally. He wants to tell his father and so do I but the fallout will be apocalyptic.

“I just wanted to give him peace of mind and instead I started the end of his parent’s marriage and possibly blew up his family.”

Commenting on her post, one user said: “Your mother-in-law was projecting so much now her a*** is uncovered”. Another user added: “What gets me is the fact that she pushed for you and her son to do the one thing that would expose her secret.

“All she had to do was keep quiet and no one would’ve been the wiser.”

A third user said: “Next time your mother-in-law talks about green eyes, just look her dead in the eyes and say ‘Oh, I know how they got green eyes… there are ways of finding these things out.”



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