Home spotlight NHS declare sex IS a matter of biology in historic shift against...

NHS declare sex IS a matter of biology in historic shift against gender ideology


The NHS will declare that sex is a matter of biology in a move that signals a historic shift against gender ideology. 

Changes to the health service’s constitution proposed by ministers will see trans women banned from female-only wards and also give female patients the right to request to be treated by a doctor of the same sex for intimate care. 

Discussing the changes, Health and Social Care Secretary Victoria Atkins said that ‘sex matters and our services should respect that’. 

Women’s rights campaigners welcomed the move, which follows accusations that the health service had been captured by ‘gender ideology’.  

Maya Forstater, chief executive of Sex Matters, a human rights charity that campaigns for clarity on sex in law, policy and language, said: ‘Victoria Atkins explicitly referring to biological sex is very significant.

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