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Mbiabet Ikot Udo: The Akwa -Ibom community where mothers of twins are denied access to water


Who would have believed that over a century after Mary Mitchell Slessor, the Scottish Presbyterian missionary stopped the killing of twins in the old Cross River state comprising of the present Cross River and Akwa Ibom states, twins are still being discriminated against in certain parts of the region?

In a shocking discovery that indicates babies who arrive in pairs are vicariously victimised, the Coordinator of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – Gender Project Team, Prof. Emmanuel Akpabio, revealed that mothers of twin children are not allowed access to drinking water at a community in Akwa Ibom over beliefs that the water would dry up.

Another unfortunate group that is also barred from accessing drinking water in the community is menstruating women.

Prof. Akpabio, who is the Director, Directorate of International Programmes, University of Uyo, made the disclosure recently in Uyo while briefing newsmen to highlight the report of the team’s research in three local government areas of Akwa Ibom State.

The university Don who pointed out that the community in the Mbiabet Ikot Udo in Ini Local Government Area of the state has held on to this belief for decades unchallenged noted that the practice has subjected women to psychosocial and other forms of gender-based violence, which would in turn affect their health.

“Our attention was drawn to the challenges of menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in the study communities. There have been so much misconceptions, myths, and gaps in knowledge and awareness around MHM for women and girls.

“When women and girls are denied access to water on account of menstruation, when they have to walk long distances to access WaSH facilities, or when acute water scarcity forces reliance on available but usually of degradable quality sources, their right to decent, hygienic and sanitary living is severely compromised, creating avenues for possibilities for disease outbreaks.

“The stress of having to contend with stigmatisation and extra physical and mental efforts to secure sanitary living translates to serious psychosocial violence.

“MHM needs adequate access to water, soap, sanitary towels, and safe space for using water and changing menstrual towels. A majority of women and girls in our rural areas can neither afford nor have access to these basic necessities.

“When women in their menstrual cycles are denied access to water and safe spaces for menstrual hygiene management as in Mbiabet Ikot Udo, they are directly and indirectly subjected to psychosocial and other forms of gender-based violence, as well as affect their health, as they struggle to make up for such deprivation. Their human dignity is severely violated, and they lack the voice and capacity to surmount such challenges.

“For Mbiabet Ikot Udo, there is only a single source of drinking but stagnant water (idim Affia) sustained through under surface outflow with brown coloration. This serves an estimated population of 1,200 and six more villages (over 6000 people) in the dry season when other available sources would have dried up. This water source is also obtained for domestic and other needs.

“Mothers of twin children are restricted from accessing this water. We were told the stream will spew all manner of impurities and strange substances and gradually dry up anytime it is accessed by a mother of twins, and only comes back to normalcy once sacrifices/rituals are performed by the community.

“Women in their menstrual cycles are also traditionally restricted from having access to the stream and the consequence for violation is prolonged blood discharge. The victims can only get water through their spouses, children, paid services, or voluntary support from members of the community. Where they cannot get any support, they will stay without water for that period,” Akpabio said.



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