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Make Prof. Ndifon a SAN, that’s how we punish our deviant characters…


By Fidel Albert

If the NBA is serious at all, they should start with Prof. Eniefiok Essien SAN. Otherwise, they shouldn’t bother with Prof. Ndifon. Indeed, going after Ndifon while Eniefiok was given a free pass, would look like nothing if not a proper witch-hunt.

When Eniefiok Essien was listed for SANship, it came to the open that this man was a terrible sexual predator while he was Dean of Faculty of Law in Uniuyo. A particular lady was failed and kept back in school for several years because she refused his sexual advances.

The lady sued.

Well, don’t take my word for it. You only need to read the Judgment of the Court of Appeal in that case to know what I’m talking about. That judgment took time to chronicle, in painful details, the evil, unbridled sexual tendencies of Prof. Essien towards female students in Uniyo faculty of Law. I cringed when I read that judgment. Prof. Essien’s moral character, or the lack of it, was utterly torn apart by the Court of Appeal.

But guess what? Despite the public hue and cry that followed the publication of that Judgement, and the vehement protest against his SANship, the wise ones in this profession of ours thought the best way to punish Prof. Essien for his misdeeds was to reward him with SANship!! They proceeded to confer him with the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria.

So tell me, why should Prof. Ndifon be investigated at all, when Prof. Essien, a confirmed sexual predator of equal standing, with a Court of Appeal judgment to validate his sexual predatory credibility, or discredit, was conferred with SANship for his efforts!

I must then say no! Don’t investigate. Follow the laid down precedent. Make Prof. Ndifon a SAN, already!! That’s how we punish our deviant characters in this profession of ours!!



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