Home Features Law School Externs: The duty of the Bar and the Bench

Law School Externs: The duty of the Bar and the Bench


By Bayo Akinlade

Today, 27th April 2023…

Mrs. H Balogun, Life Bencher drives into the court premises at around 8.30 am.

I hesitate to go say hello because I was on my way out of the court premises; so I wasn’t wearing my jacket and bib and not properly dressed.

I, however, summoned the courage to go say hello and as she looked up she said “Mr. Akinlade” (not Bayo)😁

Immediately she looked at a young man standing in front of her and told him “How can you wear a blue waistcoat underneath a black jacket”… the young lawyer immediately apologized and promised to remove the waistcoat.

While we complain about ethics and discipline in the Bar, we all must take responsibility to ensure that this profession does not completely collapse.

When we turn a blind eye to the dressing of externs, for instance, we contribute to the decay. When we refuse to observe the demeanor of the upcoming Barristers; we risk a breakdown of the pillars that uphold and make this profession unique.

I took my time today going around the courts in TBS to address the externs on dressing and their behaviour in courts. I also encouraged the lawyers to do their part by ensuring that externs are properly dressed and well-behaved.

I understand that this set of externs has only spent about 10 weeks at the Law School before coming out. They may not have been properly educated on what the externship program entails. It is now our duty as Judges, Magistrates, and Advocates to teach these Law School externs what it takes to be a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

Bayo Akinlade, Esq.



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