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Late Wigwe University Registrars’ mum to Jude Ezeobi: Keep away, stop parading yourself as my daughter’s husband or face aggressive litigation!


The mother of Ulonna Inyama, the Registrar of @WigweUniversity who died tragically in Abuja on Monday 29 July due to complications from a wrong blood has written to Jude Ezeobi, Esq. warning that he desists from parading himself as Ulonna’s husband making any attempt to extort monies from well-meaning well wishers under the guise of condolences.

In the letter dated 20th August 2024, signed by Mrs. Scholastica Inyama on behalf of the family, Ezeobi, Esq. was warned to steer clear of the family affairs or face an aggressive legal action.

Part of the letter which was accompanied by a copy the judgment detailing the annulment of the marriage reads:


I write to you on behalf of the Ulonna’s entire family as the matriarch, in connection with your recent actions following the tragic death of my beloved daughter,  Ulonna lnyama.  It is with great displeasure and deep discomfort that we observe your attempts to involve yourself in her burial plans, presuming to assume the position of a chief mourner and presenting yourself as her husband.

To be unequivocally clear, your conduct is not only false but also a gross misrepresentation of the true state of affairs between you and Ulonna at the time of her passing. As you are well aware, your union with Ulonna was nullified by the Honourable Justice A.  Nasir in Suit No. PET/144/2021 on October 17, 2023, on the grounds that you were still legally married to one Chiamaka Marilyn Ezeobi at the time you purported to marry Ulonna. This nullification underscores the fact that you committed bigamy-a  serious offense that has far-reaching implications for your legal career and personal standing.

Your persistent attempts to assert yourself in matters relating to Ulonna’s burial are causing our family considerable distress. We find it particularly painful that even in death, you continue to torment Ulonna, just as you did during her life. It is important to note that Ulonna would not have wanted your involvement in her affairs, especially not in such a sacred and personal matter as her burial.

Furthermore, during the court proceedings, you made several baseless accusations against Ulonna, all of which were thoroughly discountenanced by the court. Your unfounded  claims were seen for what they were: desperate attempts to deflect from the truth. The judgment, which we have attached as an annexure to this letter, speaks for itself.

Please  be  advised  that the  entire family  has consulted with  legal counsel regarding  your recent actions. We  have  been fully  informed of the  legal implications and effects of  the  court’s nullification order. Accordingly, we demand that you immediately cease and desist from any further involvement in Ulonna’s burial plans or any matters concerning her.

Should you continue to parade yourself as Ulonna’s husband and /or involve yourself in her affairs or set attempt to extort monies from well-meaning well-wishers under the guise of condolences or pretending to be involved in her burial preparations or conduct yourself in any way that further misrepresents your position, you will leave us no choice but to pursue aggressive legal action to ensure you maintain a civilized composure. The family will not hesitate to take every necessary step to protect the dignity of our daughter and ensure that her final rites are conducted in peace and respect.

We trust that you will heed this warning and act accordingly. We expect no further disturbances or misrepresentations from you in this regard.

Due regards,

Mrs. Scholastica lnyama

For the Family


Meanwhile, the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Abuja has invited Felix Ashimole, Esq. the Publisher of Kubwa Express following a petition against him by Jude Ezeobi on alleged “Criminal Defamation, Conspiracy, Cyber-Bullying, Publication of false/Malicious Statement and Threat To Life.”

Read the full letter below.




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