Home spotlight Daughter of lady shot by ex-husband after divorce hearing calls for justice

Daughter of lady shot by ex-husband after divorce hearing calls for justice


She walked alone to the car and her worst nightmare happened.

Precious Evans the daughter of Krystal Evans who was shot and killed outside a Georgia courthouse in Spalding County, United States is calling for justice.

The Spalding County Medical Examiner confirms 44-year-old Krystal Evans, formally Krystal Mallory, was shot dead Friday. Griffin Police announced Tom Mallory, her ex-husband, as the suspect. Krystal’s daughter Precious Evans said the divorce was finalized Wednesday.

Precious who said she feels she lost both of her parents announced: “I feel like I don’t have nobody. I don’t have nobody to lean on, to comfort me.”

Asserting that her mother was her comforter and they would talk on the phone all the time, the grieving young lady described her mum as a kind woman who she watched go through an ugly divorce over the past year.

“She was so happy after her divorce. She felt free,” Precious said. “We were even talking about doing a party.”

Precious said her mother was open about Mallory’s disturbing behavior. She said her father wouldn’t let go. In a Facebook post from 2023, Krystal said, in part: “Please know if something happens to me, Mallory did it…”

“The judge did issue a warrant. Instead of the judge taking him in, right then and there, the judge said that he could turn himself in Monday night,” Precious said.

In a lengthy Facebook post, Spalding County Sheriff Darrell Dix explained that when Krstyal walked out of the courthouse to her car., Mallory shot her several times from his car window and sped off by the time deputies heard the gunshots.

Dix further stated that Mallory eventually shot himself but that he’s alive and recovering in the hospital, while Krstyal didn’t make it.

Precious believes this could have been prevented. “My mom, literally, called the sheriff — the sheriff’s department the day before, because he was stalking her,” Precious said. “And they did nothing. Had they had someone to walk out with her, like her friend asked, she would still be here.”

Dix denied this. He said surveillance video shows Krystal never asked for an escort. His office also confirmed that authorities have responded to multiple domestic violence calls at the Mallory household. Sometimes the violence was mutual, but there were no witnesses to identify the aggressor. Dix also confirms Mallory had been arrested for domestic violence previously but bonded out.

Precious found Dix’s social media post to be distasteful.

“Not once did you offer your condolences, sympathy, or anything for my mom,” Precious said.

Precious said she felt the judge and law enforcement dropped the ball.

“That post was to clean his face, clear his name,” Precious said.

Dix is quoted saying this in the post: “Do improvements need to be made to the law? Yes, they do. Maybe it wasn’t a deputy or my agency that failed, maybe it was the law itself.”

Precious is calling for justice for her mom and said she has no sympathy for Mallory.

“He was an evil man,” Precious said. “He preplanned it. He knew what he wanted to do.”

Lamenting the death of Krystal, Esther Ijewere wrote the piece below.

This is Krystal Evans, she was killed less than 24 hours ago by her ex husband after their divorce hearing.

Krystal asked a law enforcement officer to walk her to the car as she was afraid her ex would h.u.r.t her but he refused.

She walked alone to the car and her worst nightmare happened. She was s…h..o..t dead by her ex husband.

This woman posted yesterday asking her ex to please leave her alone and move on.

I’m literally typing this with tears in my eyes, because that officer failed this woman.He probably felt she was being paranoid but he should have helped her to the car.

The system failed her.

Many women, like Krystal, continue to live in fear and anxiety after leaving abusive partners. It’s impossible to escape a person who has threatened to h.a.r.m you without carrying some level of fear.

Please, If you end a relationship and your ex continuously say things like 👇🏿

“If I can’t have you, no one will’

‘You will never be happy with anyone else’

‘I will kpai you and make it look like an accident.’

‘My eyes are on you.’

In Jesus name, don’t handle such statements with levity, especially from a v…I…o…l…£ .n…t ex or one who is obsessed with you.

Anyone you leave who act from a place of obssesion isn’t healthy for your wellbeing.

There is obsession to own and the other is to never see you happy with someone else. Once you notice the signs, run for your life, and stay PRAYED UP.

You don’t need to seek validation from ANYONE to protect yourself.

If you need to change your location after leaving such partners, PLEASE DO, with no drama. Just go.

If you have to change your phone numbers as many times as possible, please DO IT. You can also tell the telecommunications company about the reason for the change so they can make a note of it.

If you have to cut ties with family and friends who keep in touch with your violent ex or share your personal details with them, please DO IT.

It’s okay to live a life others don’t understand while you are protecting yourself.

If you have women like Krystal around you who live in fear and flight mode, please be supportive instead of judging them.

You can’t live with a person who has oppressed, threatened or attempted to kpai you and remain normal.

Domestic v..io..l..£n…c£ tweaks the way victims and survivors see life.

….and If you are lucky to have left such partners, DO NOT keep in touch.

Rest in peace, Krystal.

© Esther Ijewere

P. S this goes beyond speaking out as someone has said. This woman not only spoke out, she walked away. Maybe we should begin to ensure our safety is vouched for. Get a retraining order, report stalking, make the person sign an undertaking and then put your personal additional safety measures in place. I wouldn’t want to mention what I mean on social media. But I will say best to let these kinds of people know what you’re capable of. If they’re on to you, get a team that will be on to them so they know they’re being watched too till they get the message. You can also take additional not-so-nice measures to ensure they get the message.



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