Home spotlight Kaduna abductions: Where are the 150 other children?!—Akaraiwe, SAN

Kaduna abductions: Where are the 150 other children?!—Akaraiwe, SAN


With the return of over 137 abducted pupils of the LEA Primary School and the Government Secondary School Kuriga in the Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna, within Zamfara State after more than two weeks in captivity (the defence Headquarters claim they were rescued from some forest in Zamfara State); not a few have wondered how a crowd of 287 pupils and teachers were taken from two different schools in Kaduna state and marched all the way to Zamfara State even if the two states shared borders without the slightest trouble, intervention or interruption.

Among the puzzled Nigerians is a former First Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Ikeazor Akaraiwe, SAN who is asking amongst other questions, “Where are the 150 other children?!”

Hear him.

  • You mean these kids trekked from Kaduna to Zamfara through treacherous forests and law enforcement did not detect them!?
  • No citizen reported a huge mass of children herded by gun-wielding men marching resolutely through the bushes, forests and grasslands for several kilometres, possibly hundreds!?
  • Did all of them survive the trek?!
  • Or were they moved in buses?
  • ⁠Did they get water to drink, and food to eat for the entire period?
  • ⁠What are the demographics of those who were released – Muslim, Christian, animists or mixture of all?



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