Home Features In 1998 and 2006 two men attempted to have homosexual copulation with...

In 1998 and 2006 two men attempted to have homosexual copulation with me


By Joe Dauda

The first was when I was an undergraduate engineering student at the Federal University of Technology, Minna. I will never disclose the identities of these guys. So nobody (including my very close friends) should bother to ask me about that.

I was never interested in engineering and this fact is becoming clearer in retrospect. I was always a writer at heart — just waiting to be discovered and unleashed.

How can an engineering student be so committed to reading James Hardley Chase novels he nearly flunked his exams?

Indeed, I nearly did not get into the FUT Minna degree programme. Although I had secured 8 credits in my WAEC exams, I had a P7 in Mathematics. And the FUT Minna would not allow anyone into the faculty of engineering without a straight credit in Mathematics, apart from Chemistry and Physics. The only option was to do the one-session remedial programme and try to remedy that deficiency. As usual, each session in the university was made up of two semesters. But I was so disinterested in what I was learning during my remedial programme I spent more time reading novels instead of studying my handouts. Of course I was an intelligent guy. But lack of interest meant I did not have the motivation to study. And I performed poorly in my first semester exams.

After seeing my first semester results, I became scared and had a drastic change of heart. I dropped all my James Hardley Chase novels and sat down to study. The reason was because I did not want to disappoint my elder brother and my dad; it definitely wasn’t because I wanted to be an engineer and was scared of losing the opportunity. I knew I could make good grades in my second semester if I studied hard and my plan was to make sure I got such good grades they would compensate for my poor first semester grades. And I was right. I passed my second semester exams so well my aggregates were enough to get me admitted into the graduate programme of the department of Electrical and Electronics/Computer Engineering.

But habits die hard.

Once the pressure was off and I was safely an undergraduate, I carried my novels again and began to read. I was staying on campus at the time and I had the distinct habit of carrying a novel in my hand wherever I went. Interestingly, it was one of my roommates called Ige (as in Bola Ige) that observed that there were others like me on campus who walked around with novels in their hands.

Why not form a club?

One thing led to another and I established Lynx Exclusive Readers’ Club. It has proven very strategic in my life because two of my most important friends today were members of that club. What I’m saying in essence is that, except for Lynx, I may either not have met these two friends or may not have been that close to them. And we have been friends now for almost 25 years. Lynx was a social club for readers of novels and an avenue to facilitate access to all the novels we could pull together as a group. We even had a lecturer from the Department of Estate Management as a member. It was fun while it lasted. I remember we were able to buy every edition of Time Magazine, which was something only affordable to a few those days.

Unfortunately, there was a member of Lynx Exclusive Readers’ Club who was a homosexual. Of course I had no idea. He seemed normal — like the rest of us. Since his name starts with a “D”, I will refer to him as Mr D. However, because most people who know me know I’m friends with Daniel Donald Onjeh, I hasten to clarify that I’m not referring to Dan. Besides, Dan was never a member of Lynx.

This Mr D was not an engineering student and I will not explain his personality further for fear that Lynx members reading this may add two and two together and know who I’m talking about.

One evening when I was in my 200 Levels, Mr D found a way to convince me to follow him to his house off campus. I can’t recall what he must have said but there was nothing to suggest that this guy had crazy ideas and wanted to hang out with me the way a normal guy would like to hang out with a lady.

I feel like vomiting but I have to continue.

There is no need to explain what Mr D tried to do but, at the end, it was clear that he was a homosexual and had picked on me for copulation. I did not react violently, though, or tried to disgrace him by calling people out to come and see this aberration. This was Africa before the internet and rapid westernization: he could have been beaten to stupor or even beaten to death by other guys who were heterosexual and who naturally couldn’t stand the thought of other men being homosexual. Somehow, I extricated myself from the sordid situation without raising dust, thoroughly embarrassed that a fellow man could look at me and think of copulation.

Again, I feel like vomiting. But I will continue.

The second case was in 2006. I won’t offer any further information on this guy. What I can say is that this second attempt made me remember the case of Mr D and I begun to realize that, indeed, there were men out there who had sexual attraction for other men. I later read from the Bible (Romans 1) that it is a terrible state of being and may indicate that an individual has crossed from grace to perdition — like Judas Iscariot after the betrayal of Jesus Christ. By the way, this second guy is Mr O (because his name starts with an O) and I understand that he has been making tremendous progress in life. Sometimes I wonder if it has anything to do with his queer sexual orientation. But that is a topic for another day.

What’s my point in sharing these heartbreaking true life stories?

It’s because homosexuality and the practice of homosexuality is an indicator of the nearness of the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus Christ.

How so?

While giving His disciples the signs of the end times (things that will happen when the Second Coming was near) Jesus Christ said the condition of the world will be similar to how things were during the days of Lot, with a clear reference to the evil perpetrated by the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. Luke 17:28-30.

What did He mean by that statement?

What happened in the days of Lot?

In the days of Lot, homosexuality was endorsed by the society.

And there is a difference between practicing the abomination of homosexuality at the individual level and having it endorsed by society at large. As the Bible says, there is nothing new under the sun. The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah were not the first humans to practice homosexuality. But there is something significant when a given society endorses an abomination — such as homosexuality. And that was what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah. Even in our life time, people used to be ashamed of the practice of homosexuality. That was the situation of things when Mr D made his attempt in 1998. Remember that 1998 is 25 years ago. But things soon began to change — beginning with so-called developed nations. To the extent that homosexuality has now been endorsed by the major nations of the world. It was this societal endorsement of homosexuality (and not just the private practice of it) that commanded the attention of heaven during the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

And it is its endorsement in our society today that will equally command the attention of heaven.

The homosexuality of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah had become nationally accepted sins. People were not ashamed of their homosexuality in the days of Lot. It had become the in-thing to the extent that you were excluded if you didn’t have some homosexual tendencies or absolute sympathy for its practice. According to the Bible, it was everybody in Sodom and Gomorrah that wanted to rape the two angels that came to give Lot the last warning from God for him to depart from the city.

Genesis 19:4-5

[4]But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: [5]And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

How did our generation descend to the level of the generation of Lot and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah?

It took the converging factors of legal backing, religious approval, political support, and cultural conditioning.

Legal Backing

Perhaps you have not noticed but homosexuality is becoming globally accepted and it is happening in this generation. Just within the past two decades, many countries have moved from classifying homosexuality as a mental disorder to punishing people who simply say that the Bible defines homosexuality as a sin and even an abomination. Before the year 2000, no nation on earth had approved homosexual marriages. Of course there were countries where you could get legal covering as a homosexual couple, but none of these (such as same-sex unions) was same-sex marriage in the full meaning of the word. It was the Netherlands that was the first country to legalize homosexual marriages in 2001. But since then, virtually the whole world (apart from Islamic countries and virtually all the countries in Africa) have followed suit, including Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, the United States, Germany, the UK, Spain, and South Africa. And even those like Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, and Switzerland who have not approved same-sex marriages have enough legal protections to allow homosexuals to live together without any consequences. The pressure is now on for African countries to succumb and join the global bandwagon. South Africa is currently the only African country that has approved homosexual marriages. Namibia has not approved homosexual marriages but recognizes such marriages as legal if done outside Namibia.

Religious Approval

On the 19th of February, 2022, I published an article titled A Special Message For My Beloved Catholic Readers. In that article, I stated how Arch Bishop Carlo Maria Vigano (who was appointed Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Nigeria by Pope John Paul II in 1992 and who served until 1998) openly criticized Pope Francis for aiding and abetting the most notorious homosexual cardinal of our time, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Vigano, in an open letter you can read for yourself anytime you want, accused Pope Francis of protecting McCarrick so seriously to the extent that, even though Pope Benedict XVI had imposed sanctions on McCarrick over his sexual predation, Francis refused to enforce those sanctions. The article is available on request and there is no need to repeat the shocking allegations and revelations made by Arch Bishop Vigano. The fact is that

Pope Francis had always spoken in favour of homosexuals and those who have followed his statements since he became Pope were not surprised when he recently announced the approval of homosexual marriages. But beyond that, the Pope has signaled that even transgenders can look forward to better days. He did this by hosting over 100 transgender women (men who had become women) at the Vatican late in 2023.

But please don’t crucify Pope Francis. At least don’t attempt to crucify him alone. This is because virtually every other church out there has also approved homosexual marriages. It was even this issue that caused a crack between the Anglican Church in Nigeria and the one at the headquarters in the UK. For the few churches that have not yet done so, a civil war is raging within, like it happened in the Anglican Church. And things are getting hot in some of these churches. In the Methodist Church of Great Britain, for example, the words “husband” and “wife” and even “brother” and “sister” have been banned — all because of the homosexual community.

Sadly, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is soon to be part of the growing list of churches that have approved homosexuality. For now, it seems to be just pretending not to be part of the list. But the evidence of pro-homosexuality in the SDA Church is overwhelming, especially in Europe and the United States. I’m ashamed to factually state that, at least with regard to the issue of homosexuality, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church has become an enemy of God as much as the other fallen churches. If you doubt me (especially if you are an Adventist) read the commentary by Adventist Today Magazine on the Satan-inspired documentary titled “1946”. This documentary is a heaven-daring attempt to give aid and comfort to homosexuals, and Adventist Today Magazine only had nice words of commendation to say about it in their commentary. If the remnant church of the last days (the Seventh-Day Adventist Church) is supporting homosexuality, then we are in the days of Elijah when true followers of God will be so few and so scattered they would not find a single like-mind to worship with. 1 Kings 19:10.

Political Support

America has never had a President that openly supported the homosexual community like Barack Obama. In fact, he is the first incumbent US President to publicly support the legalization of homosexual marriage. And Obama is not alone. His wife, Mitchell Obama, is also a cheerleader for the homosexual community. In fact, some people have been saying that both Barack Obama and his wife are men, with Mitchell Obama being a transgender. And there is peripheral evidence to support this view. Apart from Barack Obama’s aggressive support for homosexuals, some men have openly said he used to be their s*x partner. At least one of these guys died mysteriously. And a very popular Hollywood personality known as Joan Rivers (a presenter of her own programme known as Fashion Police) once casually told a reporter that the United States had their first gay President in the person of Barack Obama and that Mitchell Obama was a man, meaning she is a transgender. Shortly after that statement she made to the journalist, Joan Rivers died and some people think she was murdered to protect the Obamas. Note that Joan Rivers was a very good friend of the LGBTQ community. Perhaps she knew what she was talking about.

It is not a small thing for the President of the United States to call an ordinary citizen on phone. But that treatment was given to people who were secretly gay and who decided to “come out” during the Obama presidency. Mitchell Obama also sent a tweet to encourage one basketball player who came out as gay.

It was also in 2015 when Obama was still US President that the issue of homosexual marriages was finally legalized in the United States. This was shortly after the visit of Pope Francis to the US, during which he addressed a joint session of Congress. Don’t ask me if there was any connection between the Pope’s visit and the legalization of same sex marriages in the United States. But note that, of the nine Justices who seat on the US Supreme Court, six are Roman Catholics. And the United States is supposedly a Protestant nation.

Cultural Conditioning

More and more movies now have characters that are either playing roles as homosexuals in the movies or who are homosexuals in real life. These things are deliberate — to make homosexuality less irritating to heterosexuals.

My wife enjoys watching comedy. And I remember I used to warn her not to laugh or lend her mental or emotional support to any funny character within a movie or skit that is homosexual. Because I understand Satan better than her. I know that Satan is trying to normalize homosexuality and one powerful means is to present a very interesting character as an actor, get you to fall in love with that character, and then later make it apparent that the character is homosexual — after your emotions have already been ignited in their favour. In such a case, you will find yourself making excuses for the character — and that is the point. By putting you in a dilemma of discovering that your favourite actor is a homosexual, Hollywood (on behalf of Satan) wants you to either ignore, excuse or emotionally defend that favourite homosexual character.

And the evidence that you have chosen to either ignore, or excuse, or go all the way to defend their homosexuality is if you watch any movie or performance by them after your discovery. To ensure that you do watch these homosexuals again, Hollywood would ensure that they are so so so interesting and captivating.

Both Barack Obama and David Cameron (former Prime Minister of the UK) publicly said they were going to “export” this ideology of societal protection for homosexuals. And some African countries have been threatened with the suspension of financial aid except they get their Legislatures to pass laws protecting homosexuals.

Barack Obama is so dedicated to making homosexuality normal he is now targeting children — yes, children — no matter how young they are.

Did you know that Obama is now the Executive Producer of some movies?

He is even interested in cartoons. Not so that children will grow up to love the Lord (remember he claims to be a Christian) but so that they will support the LGBTQ community or even become part of the community. In a Netflix series for children produced by him (titled “Ada Twist Scientist”) little children are shown organizing a wedding for their teacher. The teacher (you guessed right) is a homosexual. Mitchell Obama is the co-producer of Ada Twist Scientist. My namesake, Joe Okechukwu, has produced well researched videos proving that, even in the seemingly innocent cartoons we allow our children to watch, there are salacious materials and/or satanic symbols. Now you know the powerful forces behind these efforts. Barack Obama and Mitchell Obama; Pope Francis. And Joe Biden. And most of the leaders of Europe. And the United Nations is also a bedrock of this effort. Just read up their so-called Sexuality Education and you will understand why teenage students in South Africa now have the courage to stand in front of a camera, smile, and introduce themselves. Then add: I’m gay; or I’m lesbian; or even “I’m bisexual.”

Normalization of this deviance is the goal and also the sign that we are ready for God’s interjection. And that’s what all of these people are working together to achieve.

They want to turn the whole world into Sodom and Gomorrah — a place where the practice of sodomy is as ordinary as going to the grocery store to buy bread.

And the fire will follow like it did in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah — because God does not change.

But the fire for these last days (even apart from hell fire itself) will be the seven last plagues, which will be poured out on those that receive the mark of the beast.

It is one thing for homosexuality to be going on; it is quite another for it to be nationalized and backed up by law.

If you distill Luke 17:28-30, it is more or less saying that, in the last days, homosexuality shall be normalized like it was normalized in the days of Lot.

With this template in mind, what else can we learn?

Violence against those who refuse to go along is the next thing we should watch out for.

Genesis 19:9

[9]And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.

Note the words said to Lot when he tried to protect the angels from being raped by deranged homosexuals:

“Now will we deal worse with thee, than with them.”

That’s the language of violence.

And it was directed at the man who dared to admonish rabid homosexuals who had become so reprobate they did not know that they were about to rape angels — angels that came from heaven!

This type of violence against anyone seemingly standing in the way of the homosexual agenda is already happening.

These days, there are laws in countries like Canada banning any type of effort (like preaching) to encourage homosexuals or transgenders to change.


Because, by encouraging them to change, you are creating the impression that the practice of homosexuality is abnormal.

And, to them, it is not!

In an earlier article, I stated how President Joe Biden released a video message specially directed at children who wanted to change their natural sex. At some point, he promised the young lads that the US government has “got their backs” meaning they could count on the faithful support of the US government. This was a subtle threat to especially parents who are horrified by the things going on and who would, under normal circumstances, not support the mutilation of their children in the name of gender reassignment surgery. Joe Biden was telling young children not old enough to qualify for a drivers license that, if they needed to make the one-way decision to change their sex, they did not need the consent of their parents nor did they need to fear anyone. Why? The US government will be their dependable ally.

Did you know that parents are being jailed in certain countries (like Canada) for opposing the gender reassignment surgery of their children? Please find out what gender reassignment surgery is (in case you do not know) and understand what I’m saying.

Away from public view, little girls are being influenced and pressured to become boys, with the promise of instant and massive social attention if they do. And the strategy is working. A growing number of American children are now unsure of their gender. This means they are likely to become transgenders later in life. Thanks to Joe Biden and his former boss, Barack Obama. And the others — known and unknown.

The first writer to make over a billion dollars from writing is a woman called J. K. Rowling. She is the author of the Harry Potter series. Her experience proves that the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah is a spirit of violence and a spirit that demands total submission or else . . . J. K. Rowling is a feminist; she supports lesbians and gays; she is a woman of the world. But simply because she ventured to say that she does not believe in transgenderism (that a natural woman could ever become a man, or vice versa) she was massively and brutally attacked. As they say these days, an attempt was made to “cancel” her. The experience of J.K. Rowling was eye-opening because she is a supporter of homosexuals. But just because she did not go all the way to support transgenders, she was treated by the world media like a fiery preacher thumping on his King James Bible and quoting Leviticus 18:22, where God declared homosexuality to be, not just a sin, but an abomination.

Do you now understand the world better? Do you now understand why Black Lives Matter has such political clout in the United States? I was shocked to see the list of companies that donated money to Black Lives Matter even as they were protesting and burning down America. Every major corporation in the United States gave money to Black Lives Matter. You won’t understand this until you understand that Satan is the prince of this world. And Satan has decided that, to degrade men who were made in the image of God, getting them to engage and indulge in homosexuality is a good idea. For your information, the three founders of Black Lives Matter are all girls. And they are all homosexuals. They are all lesbians. Maybe you are beginning to get the picture.

How about the New York Times?

The New York Times is one of the most powerful newspapers in America and in the world; it is in the same class with the Washington Times and the Wall Street Journal. Most of the things most people in the world read and believe are vetted by the Editorial Board of the New York Times.

Well guess what?

As far back as 2004, 75% of members of the Editorial Board of the New York Times were homosexuals.

2004 is 20 years ago.

So what’s going on now at the NYT?

How about other media outlets?

And nobody will share this type of information with you. Only through research can you learn such things.

A good number of the rising stars in today’s world are homosexuals. And transgenderism is simply a cover for homosexuality. In the final analysis, they are both the same thing. And it is being pushed to little children because powerful personalities like Barack Obama, Mitchell Obama, Pope Francis, Joe Biden, David Cameron, Hollywood (as an institution) and the mighty United Nations, are all working at different levels to carry out this order, which I’m 100% sure came from Satan.

Here in Nigeria, watch out for this phenomenon. Knowing how averse Nigerians are to homosexuality, they will have to move carefully. And they are moving carefully. A Big Brother Naija female character that goes by the name Tolanibaj recently tested the waters by saying she is beginning to think that her soulmate is a woman. Just wait and see what happens next.

You don’t think the Bible is the word of God?

Think again.

How could Jesus Christ foretell with breathtaking accuracy that, at a time when men should be busy enjoying the inventions science has made possible, the cankerworm of homosexuality will be so promoted by powerful forces it will become as widely accepted and aggressively defended as it was in Sodom and Gomorrah?

How could Jesus Christ know such a thing?

Well He is the Son of God — the ONLY begotten Son of God.

And He is coming again. What Obama and his fellow globalists in the UN and the churches and the World Economic Forum and the whole world are doing are things Jesus said must take place before He returns.

And nobody can stop the return of Jesus Christ.

The issue is whether you will be punished when He returns or whether you will rejoice with joy unspeakable.

As usual, the choice is yours.

Isaiah 1:18

[18]Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Watch out for Part 4 (concluding part) of the ongoing series titled:

Israel-Hamas War: Are You Wiser Than The Saudis, The Emirates, And The Bahrainis?

Enquiries: therepeatedsecondangelmessage@gmail.com

That is: the repeated second angel message at gmail dot com



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