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HURIWA cautions against arresting NLC President, demands immediate release of over 1,000 detained peaceful #EndBadGovernance protesters

  • NLC threatens to shut down economy if Ajaero is arrested

The Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA) has issued a stern warning to the Nigerian Police Force against the planned arrest of the President of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Joe Ajaero.

The organization condemned the politically motivated allegations against him, including criminal conspiracy, terrorism financing, treasonable felony, subversion, and cybercrime.

HURIWA described this as a blatant attempt by the government to suppress dissent and intimidate the labor movement, which has consistently spoken out against anti-people policies.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, HURIWA expressed deep concern over the erosion of democratic principles under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration, which the group claims is swiftly turning Nigeria into a full-blown dictatorship, a police state, and a banana republic marked by lawlessness, impunity, corruption, and organized chaos.

HURIWA emphasized that this pattern of repression is not only undemocratic but also threatens Nigeria’s survival as a sovereign nation founded on justice and equity.

The Nigerian Police, in a letter dated August 19, 2024, summoned Comrade Ajaero for questioning over alleged involvement in crimes that HURIWA described as fictitious and designed to tarnish his reputation and that of the NLC.

The letter warned that failure to honour the invitation would result in a warrant for his arrest.

HURIWA categorically rejected these charges, viewing them as a calculated effort to discredit the labour leader and undermine the labour movement’s legitimate opposition to the Tinubu administration’s oppressive policies. The group noted that this harassment follows a police raid at the NLC National Secretariat in Abuja on July 7, 2024, an incident that sparked widespread condemnation and raised concerns about the government’s respect for labor rights and democratic freedoms.

HURIWA also denounced the mass arrest and detention of over 1,000 peaceful protesters who participated in the recent #EndBadGovernance protests across Nigeria. The association highlighted that the protests, which occurred between August 1 and 10, were fueled by growing public anger over the worsening economic situation, pervasive corruption, and rising insecurity under the Tinubu administration. However, the peaceful demonstrations were met with brutal repression by security agencies, leading to violent clashes, looting, and vandalism in several states.

Amnesty International recently revealed that over 1,000 protesters have been remanded in prison custody nationwide, with 441 arraigned in Kano on what the rights group described as “trumped-up charges.” HURIWA condemned this crackdown on peaceful protesters as a gross violation of their constitutional rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

In its statement, signed by National Coordinator Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko, HURIWA reiterated its call for the immediate and unconditional release of all those arrested for exercising their fundamental human rights. The organization insisted that the Nigerian government, under President Tinubu, must respect the rule of law and uphold the rights of citizens to protest peacefully without fear of intimidation or persecution.

HURIWA warned that the actions of the Tinubu administration are pushing Nigeria further toward dictatorship, with the country increasingly resembling a police state where dissent is criminalized and democratic freedoms are trampled upon with impunity.

The group described the current situation as a descent into a banana republic, where the rule of law is replaced by the rule of force, accountability is nonexistent, and corruption thrives unchecked.

According to HURIWA, the growing pattern of repression under Tinubu’s watch is reminiscent of some of the darkest periods in Nigeria’s history when military dictatorships held sway.

The organization cautioned that if this trajectory is not halted, Nigeria risks plunging into an abyss of chaos and anarchy, with dire consequences for the unity and stability of the nation.

HURIWA further condemned the selective application of justice by the Nigerian authorities, noting that while peaceful protesters and government critics are being hounded and detained, corrupt politicians and officials who have plundered the nation’s wealth continue to enjoy freedom and impunity.

The group argued that this double standard in law enforcement underscores the systemic rot and corruption entrenched under the current administration.

HURIWA called on all well-meaning Nigerians, civil society organizations, and the international community to defend democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Nigeria.

The group urged the international community to hold the Tinubu administration accountable for its actions and to impose sanctions on individuals and entities responsible for human rights violations in the country.

The organization also appealed to the Nigerian judiciary to remain steadfast in upholding justice and the rule of law, even in the face of executive pressure.

HURIWA stressed that the judiciary must not allow itself to be used as a tool for suppressing dissent and persecuting political opponents.

In conclusion, HURIWA reaffirmed its commitment to standing in solidarity with the NLC, the #EndBadGovernance protesters, and all Nigerians striving for a just and better society.

The organization vowed to continue advocating for human rights, good governance, and accountability and to resist any attempt to drag Nigeria back into the dark days of tyranny and oppression.

Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko
National Coordinator,
Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA)
August 20, 2024

Meanwhile, the NLC has directed its members and all workers in the country to shut down the economy if the police arrest Comrade Joe Ajaero, its President.

The union said this in reaction to the invitation to Ajaero by the police over alleged financing of terrorism.

Reacting to the development, the NLC summoned an emergency National Executive Council (NEC) meeting at the Labour House where it resolved to write to the police for an extension of time to enable the union to consult its lawyers.

Speaking at the emergency meeting, NLC Deputy President, Kabiru Ado Sani, said Ajaero’s invitation was an invitation to workers.

Sani said, “At the end of the meeting, we reached some certain resolutions. Part of the resolution is that, as a committed labour centre, we agreed or that we abide by the rule of law and due process.

“We will honour the invitation of the Nigerian police because we are not a faceless organisation, but we believe that we need an extension of time, after consultation with our lawyers, because this invitation was extended to the Congress President yesterday and asked to report at the police by 10 a.m. today.

“So we are already working with our lawyers to look for extension of time, but this does not legitimise the charges by the Nigerian police to the Congress leadership.

“Secondly, we resolve that in an event our Congress President was arrested or detained at any moment, we put our affiliate on red alert to mobilise our membership across the country, that all workers in this country should down tool their services.

“This is the resolution because Comrades, this organisation belongs to all of us, therefore we should do everything possible to safeguard the safety of this organisation. We, therefore, thank you very much, and you should wait for further directives by our leadership.

“Whatever happens, we will communicate your leadership, and your leadership will communicate with you. So we urge you to remain calm and go back peacefully to our workplace and await further directives.”



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