Home spotlight How Indian schoolgirl’s cycling death laid the ugly face of ‘Eve-teasing’ bare

How Indian schoolgirl’s cycling death laid the ugly face of ‘Eve-teasing’ bare


BBC reports that the tragic death of an Indian schoolgirl has laid bare the consequences of “Eve-teasing” – a popular South Asian euphemism which many say trivialises the street harassment and assault of women.

The short CCTV video of two Indian girls riding bicycles starts off quite innocuously.

Dressed in their school uniform – tunics, salwar bottoms and scarves – the teenagers are riding side by side on a near-empty road.

But within seconds, the calm of the scene is shattered.

Two men on a motorbike overtake them and one of them pulls away the scarf of one of the girls. Immediately she loses her balance and her cycle moves right and collides with a second motorbike coming from behind.

As she and the riders fall on the road, the 17-year-old is run over by a third motorbike coming from the opposite direction….

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