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For a thriving civic space, we must all advocate for press freedom — DiGiCiViC Initiative


Press Release

In commemorating the Press Freedom Day, we lend our voice to the call for media freedom as this is the hallmark of a true democracy.

Importantly, no democratic society can survive without a vibrant and free media, which holds governments accountable and responsible to the people.

Media freedom is integral to the right to freedom of expression which guarantees the right to access and disseminate information.

In the digital age, freedom of expression has continued to find meaning as it allows media organizations and journalists to impart information and ideas at a pace that empowers citizens to form opinions,
communicate, collaborate and exchange views about their government and governance. With the right information, citizens can participate in governance and hold their governments accountable.

However, where press freedom continues to be endangered in the forms of arbitrary media regulations from government institutions, this will lead to undue self censorship and censorship which promotes one narrative -the government’s, which leads to an unhealthy civic Space.

In addition, in the internet age where press Freedom over the internet is a digital right, we must join hands to uphold it. Every democratic society needs a free and open Internet which promotes media rights.

In this vein, we understand the dangers of misinformation and false news which can lead to crisis in any society. We urge media organizations and journalists to uphold the truth, self regulate and act as checks to false information. Undoubtedly, misinformation and censorship are threats to press freedom,
freedom of expression and democracy.

According to her contribution on a panel discussion at the Press Freedom Day event organized by KAS in collaboration with the Centre for Journalism Innovation & Development (CJID) in Abuja, the Executive Director of DI, Mojirayo Ogunlana O. stated that “professional journalists have a huge role to play in enhancing the media landscape.

“They must take up the responsibility of advancing the truth, be diligent in practice, and speak out against fake news, misinformation and all forms of distorted narratives in the public. They can also act as fact-checkers to ensure that the public has access to reliable and credible information both offline and online.”

Therefore, media organisations and journalists must account to themselves if they are to protect press freedom. The more they self-regulate, the more they reflect integrity and acquire societal trust.

Ultimately, press freedom is critical to a thriving civic space and we must all continue to advocate for it.


DiGiCiViC Initiative



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