By Chinua Asuzu
Unless a culture, custom, form, medium, or platform really constrains you otherwise, state your name in this order: first name–[middle name or initials]–surname/last name.
We know that some Asian cultures state the surname first. That formula is correct in those cultures only.
In most parts of the world including Africa, North America, South America, most of Asia, and Europe, people place their first names first and their last names last.
That’s why they’re so called: first/last.
In the entire English-speaking world including Australia, Canada, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and South Africa, they place their first names first and their last names last.
And no matter where you go, say and write your name in this order, except when specifically required otherwise.
Just because some forms, especially at school or at work, require you to state your last name first doesn’t make it the typical or correct style.
Place your first name first and your last name last.
You’ve heard of Obafemi Awolowo, but you’ve never heard of Awolowo Obafemi. That guy knew his name.
So did Nnamdi Azikiwe, Chinua Achebe, Herbert Macaulay, Jimmy Carter, Margaret Thatcher, and Tai Solarin.
So do Wole Soyinka, Chidi Nwagba, Ben Okri, Niyi Osundare, and Chinua Asuzu.
Stop saying “My names are …”.
Like, seriously? What have you been drinking 🍺 🍷 🥃 ?
The expression “My names are” might qualify as symptomatic of multiple-personality or split-personality disorder.
The introduction “My names are” is awful, harmful, hurtful, painful, and sinful. As an introductory phrase in a business, formal, or social setting, “My names are” is mangled grammar on steroids.
Your several names (first name, [middle name(s)], and surname) make up your one full name, your one identity. Your full name, no matter how many elements it has, is a singular noun phrase. The subject “name”
and the linking verb “is” must both be in the singular.
Saying “My names are” is akin to saying “I are.” If you say “My names are”, you’re building a list and you’ll need to insert commas between the several names—the elements of the list—and you’ll need a conjunction before the last element. “My names are Albert, Chinualumogu, and Achebe” for “My names are Albert Chinualumogu Achebe.”
Saying “My names are” smacks of steroidal semantics, a grammar-on-steroids hypercorrection of usage-blessed or idiomatic phrasing.
I challenge you to find even one respectable source from any jurisdiction that uses the construction “My names are ….”.
My name IS Chinua Asuzu.