Home spotlight FIDA Africa set to host triennial Regional Congress in Abuja

FIDA Africa set to host triennial Regional Congress in Abuja


In a few weeks, female lawyers from various parts of Africa and across the continent will converge in Abuja for the triennial Africa Regional Congress of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA).

The event with the theme:  “MAPUTO PROTOCOL AND WOMEN IN AFRICA: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AS A VITAL TOOL FOR ACCELERATION” is slated to commence from August 24 to 27 2023.

According to the Africa Regional Vice President (RVP) (West and North Africa), Mrs. Joy Ejim (formerly Joy Ezeigbo) the 2023 Africa Regional Congress is designed to “mirror the aims of FIDA International, to connect, collaborate, support, encourage and engage FIDA members across Africa to continue to focus on our mission to promote, protect, and preserve the rights, interests, and well-being of women and children in our societies through the instrumentality of the law.

The triennial congress is set to discuss the gains and travails of the Maputo Protocol on Gender Equity, with a focus on digital technology as a vital tool for socio-economic acceleration for women in Africa.

The Congress billed to take place at Barcelona Hotel in the Wuse 2 district of Abuja, is expected to attract a cross-section of top legal juggernauts from the Bar, the Bench, academia, government, and other professionals, including women from varied sectors and levels in the society.

The Planning Committee revealed that delegates will be treated to a welcome reception on Thursday, 24 August ahead of the opening ceremony on Friday, 25 August.

Part of the statement by RVP Joy Ejim obtained from the FIDA Africa Regional Congress, 2023 notes that: “Digital technology usage is intensifying, and proactive governments and institutions are building the capacity of their workforce to become more digital technology savvy in order to address the gaps in social welfare…

“The theme of the Africa Regional Congress coming up in August 2023 in Abuja, Nigeria, “MAPUTO PROTOCOL AND WOMEN IN AFRICA: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AS A VITAL TOOL FOR ACCELERATION” has been carefully chosen to reflect the mood of the moment. Thus, the Congress would be an appropriate channel to deliberate on “Maputo Protocol @ 20: An Assessment of the Past, Present and Future”, amongst other interesting topical subjects.

“Improving women’s rights is a precursor to their overall advancement in socio-economic and political spheres and the rise in technology tools offers a glaring opportunity to accelerate the robust empowerment of women and girls in Africa. FIDA will leverage digital tools to improve women’s participation and is already making giant strides in using digital tools to enhance cooperation with regional actors including regional/national/local chapters, national governments, civil societies, private sector and international/donor agencies…”

Hon. Justice Elsie Thompson, a Judge of the High Court of Rivers State, a former Judge at the African Court of Justice, Arusha Tanzania, and one-time FIDA Country Vice President will kick start the first plenary session titled, “The Maputo Protocol @ 20: An assessment of the Past, Present and Future.”

This will be followed by technical sessions on August 25 and 26, where a number of interesting themes will be x-rayed. These sub-themes include the following:

– Engaging Men & Women Towards Gender, Equity, Equality & Inclusion in the Public Space; and

– Gender & Anti-Corruption: Removing Impediments to Gender Equity, Equality & Inclusion.

The event will equally highlight other key areas that concern women. They include:

  • The intervention of new and potentially disruptive technologies (such as artificial intelligence, AI) into the legal profession.
  • The use and drawbacks of social media in the legal profession.
  • Current and emerging trends in social media use will be examined in sessions with themes such as:

–  Education, Using Cutting-Edge Technology: A Sine-Qua-Non for Gender Equality In Africa;

– Dissecting Digital Tech Platforms & Assessing Opportunities For Accelerating Investment for Women [African Continental Free Trade Agreement in Focus]; and

– Unlocking The Power of Digital Branding: Building Online Presence & Strategies for Protection Against Cyber Bullying/Digital Pornography.

Among the over 20 leading speakers billed to share their expertise, experience, and insights at the Congress are:

– Hon. Justice (Prof.) Elizabeth Ama Orji of the National Industrial Court;

– Amb. Rossette Nyirinkindi Katungye, Adviser on Regional Integration in the Cabinet of the Chairperson of the African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;

– Mrs. Mfon Usoro, Maritime & Business Development Expert at Paul Usoro & Co.;

– Mrs. Abimo Toyosi Olayiwola, CEO Abilegal Digital Solicitors and Network, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria;

–  Dr.  Monday Ubani, immediate past chairman of, NBA Section on Public Interest And Development Law (NBA-SPIDEL).

On the sidelines of the Congress will be an outreach/advocacy programme to the adopted FIDA Ward at Gwarimpa Hospital, as well as the end-of-congress Dinner Ball. The Planning Committee has set the Dinner cards at the rate of N5,000 only. Also on schedule are Muslim Jumaat and Christian Thanksgiving services on Friday, August 25, and Sunday, August 27, 2023, respectively.

The Committee has assured delegates of comfortable accommodation at the rate of N24,000 per night as well as adequate security throughout their stay in Abuja.

The registration fee for members is N50,000, and the window runs from July 12 to August 12, 2023, while the fee for non-members is N55,000, with the window also running from July 12 to August 12, 2023.

Intending conferees are expected to effect payment before Saturday, 5 August.

In the same vein, the Planning Committee is urging prompt registration payments on the part of prospective delegates – to be made to the following account:
– Account Name – REKIA R. ADEJO-ANDREW 

– Account Number – 0175344577

– Bank Name – GTB.

The Committee also advises prospective delegates to confirm their payment by dialing Adebanke Adebola on 08032428516.

For further information on all aspects of registration and participation, prospective delegates  are advised to go to https://fidaafrica.org/registration/, and for confirmation and other clarifications, they are advised to contact 08030781825.



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