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Female Lawyer kidnaped by bandits in Sokoto

  • Sokoto Police Command arrests 3 in connection with the kidnap

In the early hours of Sunday 2 May, 2024 suspected bandits abducted a female lawyer, Rukayyat Mustafa from her residence located at Bado area of Sokoto and took her away to unknown destination.

A Notary Public and Principal Partner of the law firm where Mrs Mustafa works, Fadinand Okotete told journalists that she was kidnapped by bandits at about 1 am in the wee hour on Sunday.

“The bandits stormed her house and kidnapped Rukayyat along with a young man. After they trekked to a vehicle that was parked far away from her residence. The kidnappers told the young man to go back or they would shoot him. The man rushed back for fear of being shot by the bandits,” Okotete said.

He further told journalists that the matter has been reported to the police for possible rescue of the kidnap victim.

Rukayyat’s younger brother, Khalid Mustafa, who corroborated Barrister Okotete’s account, added that the traumatised young man was not able to provide full details of the incident.

Khalid however said that the police had requested them to report later in the day to know the progress of their investigation.

Meanwhile, the Nigeria Police Force, Sokoto State Command has confirmed that no fewer than three persons have been arrested in connection with the kidnap.

The suspects were nabbed for allegedly giving information to bandits which resulted in the kidnapping of the lawyer in the Bado area of the state metropolis.

Confirming the incident, the spokesman of the command, ASP Ahmed Rufai, said the incident happened in the early hours of Sunday.

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