Home Opinion Ending LGBTQ+ totalitarianism

Ending LGBTQ+ totalitarianism


By Sonnie Ekwowusi

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and other queer behaviours (LGBTQ+) world community is increasingly resorting to violence to force innocent people to adopt the LGBTQ ideology and lifestyle against their will and rights. We are experiencing a one-world government of untrammeled LGBTQ+ tyranny. Through the corrupt mainstream media, the LGBTQ+ tyrants use psychological techniques to manipulate people and influence their behaviors and actions. In this regard, the U.S. has positioned itself as the LGBTQ+ policeman of the world. As far as the U.S. is concerned, any country that has not legalized LGBTQ+ rights is not in the good books of the U.S. Former President Obama plotted against former President Goodluck Jonathan for outlawing LGBTQ+ rights in Nigeria. U.S. President Joe Biden has made LGBTQ+ the centerpiece of American foreign policy. To this effect, Biden has ordered that the American flag should be flown alongside the LGBTQ+ flag, portraying America as an LGBTQ+ country. Vice President Kamala Harris is tirelessly visiting African countries and putting pressure on African leaders to legalize LGBTQ+ rights. The U.S. government is now imposing sanctions on Uganda for enacting the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Act. The U.S. is also contemplating restricting the issuance of U.S. visas to Ugandan government officials.

The European Union (EU) is presently pressuring Africa-Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) to sign the controversial and deceitful EU-ACP agreement. The EU-ACP Agreement aims to replace the controversial Cotonou Agreement of 2000. Any ACP country that signs the agreement consents to the legalization of abortion, transgender rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and the inclusion of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in its schools, which covers topics like safe sex, safe abortion, masturbation, kissing, hugging, and intimate touching. Moreover, the EU-ACP agreement is targeted at overriding the domestic laws and constitutions of ACP countries. The first meeting of the parties to the agreement took place in Maputo, Mozambique, in late October 2022. That meeting ended in a deadlock as most ACP parliamentarians vehemently opposed the signing of the agreement. Another meeting of EU and ACP ministers took place in Brussels on November 28, 2022, with the aim of exerting greater pressure on ACP ministers to convince ACP heads of government to sign the agreement. Another meeting on the agreement has now been scheduled to be held from June 19 to 28, 2023, in Brussels.

The tragic aspect is the forceful sexualization and homosexualization of little children. They want to catch the children in order to damage their character with illicit sex and LGBT. “Little children are sexual beings who must have sexual partners and must begin to have sex as soon as possible. For this reason, kindergartens and elementary schools must teach children to develop lust and sexual desire, learn masturbation, build same-sex relations, use online pornography, and learn different sexual techniques such as oral sex”. This is one of the official guidelines issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations to educational authorities worldwide, Nigeria included. In fact, sexualization of kids is part of the UN Agenda 2023. To this effect, the United Nations has directed that elementary schools must teach little kids about masturbation, sexual behaviours, sexual attractions, and sexual stimulation aimed at getting them to have sexual partners in their tender ages. The WHO instructs schools to encourage little children to engage in homosexual relationships with their friends. Right in front of is the syllabi for teaching little kids LGBTQ+. I have in particular the LGBT curriculum issued by Rutgers Foundation. Rutgers operates in 27 countries including Nigeria and Ghana. Rudgers works closely with WHO. Rutgers is funded by Bill Gates and the United Nations. Rudgers’ LGBT curriculum which is meant to be pasted in elementary schools aims at luring the lids into LGBTQ+ lifestyles. Two girls are shown kissing. Another two girls are shown looking for a “safe place” to have lesbian sex.  Two boys are shown holding hands and saying” “Yes, we both want it”  Afrikindness, an NGO in the UK that specializes in teaching toddlers and kids the ABCs of LGBTQ+, in conjunction with the  National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS) of Nigeria are recruiting Nigerian teachers and teaching them the principles of LGBTQ+ and how to impart LGBTQ+ in children.

For instance, as part of their activities marking the last Children’s Day Celebration last month, Afrikindness and NAPPS organized on May 20th, 2023 an online LGBTQ+ Teachers’ Training Workshop with the theme: investing in our future is investing in our children. Disney now produces gay cartoons of all kinds. Many Nigerian parents do not know that their under-7 toddlers are clued to the TV watching gay cartoons such as The Loud House, Big Mouth, The Legend of Korra,  Scooby Doo Mystery, Steven Universe, Hey Arnold, Clarence, Adventure Time. What they are doing is to acculturate under-7 children into LGBTQ+. Therefore parents should be cautious of their children on TV. There is another LGBTQ+ catchy book for children in circulation with the title: Mary Has a little pussy. It contains very graphic sexual and LGBT illustrations to get children to imbibe the pervasive sexual and LGBTQ+ lifestyles.

In 2010 Mr. McAlpine, a Christian preacher in the UK, was handing out leaflets explaining the Ten Commandments when a lady passer-by came up and engaged him in a debate about his faith and he told the woman that homosexuality is a sin. For saying this, he was arrested and locked in a cell. In April 2021 John Sherwood, 71, a Christian pastor, was arrested and led away in handcuffs by the police and detained overnight after being accused of preaching from the Bible and making homophobic comments which amounted to hate speech outside Uxbridge Station in West London. A new MP in the UK has called for school hours to be extended to 6 pm so that the school kids will find time to have sex among themselves.

A Canadian court has ordered a father to henceforth address and treat his 11-year-old transgendered daughter as a boy. In fact, the parents of the gender-confused 11-year-old girl who is on hormone blockers are divorced, and the father disagrees with the mother with regard to the treatment of the child’s condition. In Germany and other countries, sex corners have been carved out for school children where they are taught masturbation, how to wear condoms, and how to engage in so-called safe sex all in the name of sex education.  In Canada, a lady goes to a barber’s shop that only cuts men’s hair and insists that the barber must cut her hair. The barber refuses because his faith as a Muslim prohibits him from touching women who are not family members.  The woman files a complaint at the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal claiming “gender discrimination” She refuses the barber’s referral to another shop willing to give her the desired haircut because she wants to force that barber to give her men’s hair. In America and Europe, some bakers who have refused to bake cake for gay “couples”, have either been jailed or have their bakeries shut down.

I can’t remember now whether it was in the UK or Ghana that I first met Paul Diamond, Esquire. Paul is a UK attorney who specializes in defending those persecuted and prosecuted for publicly professing their Christian beliefs. He has brought leading religious liberty and human rights cases from the House of Lords to the European Court of Human Rights. For instance, in the case of Eweida & Others v United Kingdom, Paul defended a lady who was fired by British Airways because she wore a necklace containing a crucifix. The British kingdom had argued that wearing a necklace with a crucifix offended the secularity of the British Kingdom. The paradox is that while employees of other faiths were permitted to manifest their beliefs, Christians cannot wear a crucifix. In the case of Ngole v University of Sheffield – one of the most important cases on freedom of private religious speech – Paul defended Felix Ngole, who was recently removed from his master’s social work degree after calling homosexuality “a sin” on Facebook. Paul was a counsel in the case of R v Overd, in which the court considered whether quoting the Bible was hate speech in the criminal courts.

A 42-year-old Baptist, who has preached Christianity in Workington, Cumbria for years, said he did not mention homosexuality while delivering a sermon from the top of a stepladder but admitted telling a passing shopper that he believed it is against the law of God. For saying that, he was arrested and charged in court. Police officers alleged that he made the remark in a voice loud enough to be overheard by others and charged him with using abusive or insulting language, contrary to the Public Order Act. In July 2022, in the UK, Bainbridge man Ryan Williamson, 44, was arrested in Larne and Dundalk last August and September respectively after preaching against homosexuality and was charged with public order offenses. However, his defense lawyers successfully defended him from all charges, citing his European Convention Human Rights of freedom of expression and association. In April 2023, a Christian school in north London punished a pupil who said that homosexuality is a sin.

Recently, a schoolgirl in the UK was punished by her school for stating that homosexuality is a sin. It wasn’t that the girl condemned homosexuality. The girl was asked by a teacher to give her opinion on homosexuality, and she expressed that homosexuality was a sin. That was all. When withdrawing the girl from the school, her mom said to the school authorities, “You asked my daughter for her opinion, and after she expressed her opinion, you punished her.”

A Nigerian engineer working in the UK has recently been fired by his employer. Why? Because, after delving into his past, his employer is now alleging that twelve years ago he made an uncomplimentary remark in Italy about the gay lifestyle.

The foregoing attests that gay totalitarianism now looms large in the world. What used to be regarded as human civilization is being reinvented and, in the process, eroded. Studies on the rise and fall of civilizations show that most civilizations are brought down by combinations of factors, which obviously include the collapse of objective moral standards, and the superstructures for the construction of societal ethos. For example, empires such as Greece under Pericles, Rome under Caesar, France under Napoleon, Germany under Hitler, and others collapsed due to a combination of political and moral corruption. In fact, the Roman Empire collapsed under the weight of moral corruption. Today, Western civilization is crumbling or has completely crumbled. Sad.

Therefore, the African continent must rediscover itself and rise above the present challenges clipping its wings. Afro-pessimism should give way to Afrocentrism. Laws are made in accordance with the values of a people. Every country is interested in protecting what it holds dear or its cherished values. LGBTQ+ is a complete break with African civilization. The consensus reached at the various United Nations Conferences is that the laws passed in every developing country, including Nigeria, must reflect the diverse social, economic, and environmental conditions of that country, with full respect for their religious, cultural backgrounds, and philosophical convictions. LGBTQ+ shows no respect for the religious and philosophical convictions of the Nigerian people and therefore cannot be imported into Nigeria. African countries must adhere to our own values, traditions, and identity. It is suicidal to import practices and lifestyles that are alien to Africa and seek to impose them as laws in African countries, all in the name of observing the so-called international obligations. You cannot stay in Washington D.C. and dictate to African countries how they should enact their laws. If Nigeria and African countries do not dictate to the US the type of laws they should enact, why should the US usurp the sovereignty of Nigeria and African countries to dictate to them the kinds of laws they should enact?

The Nigerian government, parents, churches, mosques, censorship institutions, and all stakeholders must come together now to put a stop to the sexualization and homosexualization of our children. Enough is enough. Indoctrinating children into LGBTQ+, transgender, abortion, and so-called safe-sex lifestyles under any pretext is criminal. Nigeria must remain resolute with its anti-gay law. We have the right as a sovereign country to decide for ourselves the kind of laws we can enact for our own good. A country without identity is a misshapen country. We should reject anything that compromises our territorial sovereignty. The European Union and other foreign countries have no right to interfere in the way we run our country or enact our laws.



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