Home Features Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop AICMC salutes the New Wigs at the Bar

Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop AICMC salutes the New Wigs at the Bar


I heartily congratulate and welcome our newest Colleagues at the Bar and urge you to strive to lift the Bar higher by employing your unique positioning to first serve, shape and change the Bar and our World for better in whatever capacity you choose to serve the Bar. Start from where you are and reach for the stars duly and not by shortcuts. You are now Promoters of the Law and must take heed to always regard and never run afoul of the Rule of Law.
I wish you the best of experiences as you ascend the stairs of the Profession. Welcome to the Bar and the esteemed realm of the Learned.

Your Treasure keeper,
Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop AICMC
NBA National Treasurer.



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