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A School In Spain Teaches Household Chores To Boys In A Powerful Initiative Against Gender Inequality


 By Katerina Papakyriakopoulou

Sewing, ironing, and cooking are basic tasks that most people learn at home. But it’s entirely different when a school offers it as an additional class, so the students, particularly boys, build values regarding gender equality and break the stigmas they face when doing these activities. That is what the Montecastelo School of Spain teaches its students under the slogan, “Equality is learned with actions.”

In 2018, the school, situated in the city of Vigo, announced that it’d include lessons in home economics among other subjects. During the lessons, the male students would be taught to do tasks such as ironing, sewing, cooking, and other manual activities such as masonry, carpentry, and plumbing and electrician skills.

Read more: https://www.thinkinghumanity.com/2019/06/a-school-in-spain-teaches-household-chores-to-boys-in-a-powerful-initiative-against-gender-inequality.html



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