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Looming Anarchy: CSO Coalition petitions NJC over A’Court Kano guber election verdict

Calls for urgent investigation into page 67 of judgment Says Kano is in great danger for the political stability A coalition of civil society organisations under the aegis of Open Justice Alliance has petitioned the National Judicial Council, (NJC) to investigate the controversial judgment of the Court of Appeal in the Kano gubernatorial election matter.…

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An Incoherent Electoral Jurisprudence

By Sam Amadi Apart from corruption, which has become the badge of the Nigerian judiciary, the other defining characteristic of Nigeria’s judiciary in electoral petition is incoherence.  Decisions of the Nigerian judiciary in electoral petitions are grossly incoherent with the fundamental principle of electoral democracy: to give the people the power to choose those who…

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The Rape and Death of Keren-Happuch: The police and government failed us – Victim’s mother

Two years after the death of -14-year-old Keren-Happuch Aondodoo Akpagher, a boarding student of Premiere Academy, Lugbe, Abuja, her family has accused the police of a grand cover-up and insincerity in its investigation. Speaking at a press conference in Abuja, mother of the late 14-year-old, Mrs Vivien Vihimga Akpagher lamented the failure of government and…

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Cult killings: Protesters seek removal of Deputy Commissioner of Police, Inspector

As missing 12-year-old boy found dead, eyes plucked out, wrists cut in Ogun Protests on Wednesday rocked Awka, the Anambra State capital as some indigenes protested against what they tagged worrisome spate of cult-related killings in the town. The protesters, who came from Ezinano, Umuokpu, Eziawka, Amikwo and Agulawka villages, called for the immediate removal of…

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