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Generation against generation, By Sonnie Ekwowusi

Political philosophers, historians and political scientists continue to assert ad nauseam that constitutional democracy cannot lead to true human development and human flourishing unless it transcends political experiment. This is because constitutional democracy is more than a political experiment: it is also a moral enterprise which largely depends on the ethics and virtues of the…

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Nigeria, A Country With Too Many Sovereigns

By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu Colonial rule in Nigeria was conducted through Indirect Rule. It was a system of “native administration” patented in Northern Nigeria, which became the model exported by the British across their colonies. For all practical purposes, this system of government gave to most Emirs and other rulers in Chiefly communities, “more power…

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Rights activists condemn shrinking gender tolerance space for women in Nigerian

By Lillian Okenwa “Nigerian Women married to men outside their state even or region are denied indigeneship and this affects women during appointments or election. Also, Nigerian Women married to foreigners cannot confer citizenship on their husbands by virtue of marriage, but foreign women married to Nigerian men become automatic citizens. This is highly discriminatory.”…

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Okocha, Agbakoba, Akaraiwe, others knock IGP over new dress code for female police officers

By Lillian Okenwa “No administration can ever claim to have the best menu of choices. The dilemma is ever so present, especially in dealing with a multi-cultural, multi-religious, and multi-diverse society.  The best approach in these matters should be to limit dress regulations to those which engender professionalism and safety.” - Ibe Ikwechegh Condemnations…

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