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Nigeria’s tearful education sector

Jide Ojo “Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave”– Henry Peter Brougham (1828) Last Monday, January 24, 2022 was the commemoration of the International Day of Education. According to an internet source, it was celebrated under the theme, “Changing Course, Transforming Education.” The event,…

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Build on your strengths

‘Who makes you different from anyone else?’ 1 Corinthians 4:7 NIV Your success isn’t found in your similarity to others, but in your difference. Instead of comparing yourself with somebody else and competing with them, try to discover your point of God-given difference, for that’s where you will excel. Singer Pearl Bailey said, ‘There are…

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Relationships (3)

‘Don’t participate in the things these people do.’ Ephesians 5:7 NLT Letting go of a person doesn’t mean you no longer love them; it just means the relationship is not right for you. How should you handle it? 1) A gradual separation is sometimes the best solution. There are relationships you need to get out…

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Photo Credit: The New York Times

Relationships (2)

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” Proverbs 13: 20 NKJV NOT EVERYONE who starts out with you is capable of going where God wants to take you. Sometimes they don’t have the emotional capacity required. Other times their vision differs from yours. So how…

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Relationships (1)

‘Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?’ Amos 3:3 NLT Having the right relationships will help you to soar in life; they’re like the wind beneath your wings. But the wrong relationships will drag you down; they’re like a ball and chain around your feet. To know which relationships are good for…

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