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The Garbage in Shehu, By Nathaniel Ikyur

It is not surprising how Garba Shehu, Presidential spokesperson came out, in his vintage style against Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State. It was however amusing reading Shehu’s feeble attempt in the ten-paragraph irritating press release. He no doubt lost his voice under the weight of the governor’s concrete issues bordering on statecraft and the…

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Is PTDF Scholarship Based On Merit?

By Hussaini Hussaini I received two emails from the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) on the 23rd of August, 2021 bordering on the scholarships granted by the institution. One email wrongly addressed me as a successful scholar, while the other came later to inform me that the first email was an error and same should…

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Buhari’s place in history

By Sonnie Ekwowusi Addressing the Service Chiefs last week at the Presidential Villa, Abuja President Buhari pledged not to leave office a failure. This pledge, unsurprisingly, has been eliciting no small commentary. There are two deductions, in my humble view, from the aforesaid Buhari’s pledge. One: despite his seemingly unperturbed stance and lackadaisical attitude on…

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Change your thinking!

You will spread out to the right and to the left.’ Isaiah 54:3 NIV God told His people: ‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!’ (Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV). So, if you’re asking God for a vision, or to enlarge the one He’s already given you,…

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