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Enyinnaya Abaribe, the brilliant and brave senator who signed the bail for Nnamdi Kanu's release delivered perhaps the most perceptive and wisest speech on Igbos and Nigeria last week in Mississippi, US. Every Igbo who cares about the present and the future of our people should read it. It's a bit long but the effort…

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BY SAM AMADI Those comparing the Nigerian state’s treatment of secessionist and killer Fulani herdsmen and bandits are missing a key point. Bandits and herdsmen kill citizens but not directly the state. Secessionists attack the Nigerian state or its hegemonists. The Nigerian state does not take seriously the lives of its citizens. But it fights…

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The El-Rufai Challenge

By Chidi Odinkalu I want to take El-rufai up on his challenge to anyone to tell him the central leader of bandits. El-rufai said bandits and terrorists are different from IPOB. First, what El-Rufai said. A report on 2 July 2021 quoted the Governor of Kaduna State, Nasir El-Rufai, as having said the way bandits…

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By Sonnie Ekwowusi You may have come across on the internet the reports of two bizarre incidents that speak volumes about the grinding poverty ravaging Nigerians. The two incidents allegedly occurred in 2018. The first incident was how a poverty-stricken mother of six living in Ilesha, Osun State, traded off her eldest daughter for a…

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So what if Kanu is arrested?

By Prof Abdussamad Umar Jibia On Thursday June 24, 2021 I stumbled on a viral video from Zamfara state. In the four minutes clip, a notorious bandits’ kingpin could be seen boastfully confessing in front of senior security officials of the atrocities he committed against the Nigerian state and its people. The man, popularly known…

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Admissions policy, cut-off marks and associated injustice; By Jonas Odocha

Justice, equity and fairness are veritable ingredients for peace and amicable human co-existence. Human frailties account for the neglect of these essential existential ingredients which in turn lead to agitations and disharmony. But where love and understanding abide, issues are quickly identified and addressed in order to promote peace and harmony, as they engender collective…

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