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Prelude To My Riposte To Mr. Aikpokpo-Martins’ Advocacy To “Crush” All Agitations For Self-Determination In Nigeria.

By Sylvester Udemezue I read a published commentary credited to Mr. Aikpokpo-Martins, 1st Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) and National Chairman of NBA’s Human Rights Committee, but who made it clear he was speaking in his personal (not official) capacity. I believe him that he spoke in his personal capacity and I…

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1999 Constitution: How Abdulsalami Abubakar used Nikki Tobi, Auwalu Yadudu to defraud Nigerians – Uma Eleazu (1)

Many Nigerians have complained that the 1999 Constitution does not reflect the will of the Nigerian people. But what most people do not know is the extent General Abdulsalami Abubakar, the then head of state, went in shortchanging fellow citizens. Dr. Uma Eleazu, the 91-year-old economist, political scientist, administrator par excellence, who served in the…

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Ghana’s 560km rail to cost for $2bn — same as 156km Lagos-Ibadan

China Railways Construction Corporation (CRCC) has offered to rehabilitate and construct a 560-kilometre standard gauge railway line for Ghana at $2 billion. Advertisement This costs just $500 million more than the 156-kilometre Lagos-Ibadan railway line being constructed by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) — although Ghana’s project more than THRICE the size of…

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Buhariplomacy of Abductions and Killing Nigeria Softly: from Diplomatic Bagaging to Invasion Diplomacy

INTERNATIONAL Bola A. Akinterinwa PMB is governing Nigeria as a military dictator, often forgetting that he was elected, and therefore compelled to always seek the understanding of democratic implications of whatever policy decisions he takes in international relations. His attitudinal disposition in Nigeria’s foreign policy is what we have always called buhariplomacy and this dates…

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