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Customs Denies Allegation of Having ‘Northernisation’ Agenda

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) yesterday insisted that it has abided strictly by the rules governing recruitment, promotion and appointment into its management cadre. It faulted accusations that the Service was pushing a ‘northernisation’ agenda following recent appointments into the senior management level. The NCS Spokesman, Mr. Joseph Attah, in a statement, maintained that the…

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Sonnie Ekwowusi admires Trump for bringing back God to the White House Once upon a time, narrates a bosom friend, there lived in his village a certain mad man called Papauwa. Like most village madmen and women, this one is ill-attired. He eats from the gutter, drinks from the gutter and sleeps in the gutter.…

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Buhari inaugurates 326 Km Itakpe-Ajaokuta-Warri rail line for commercial operations

After more than three decades’ delay, President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday inaugurated the 326km Itakpe-Ajaokuta-Warri rail line for commercial operations as well as the ancillary facilities yard, at the recently named Goodluck Jonathan Railway Complex in Agbor (Owa-Oyibu), Delta State. According to a statement by Special Adviser to the President on Media on Publicity, Femi…

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