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Sex, Food and Dating—The (Other) News This Week

I know I should be poring over that whistleblower’s complaint. But instead, let me give you something that’s much more invigorating: news and gossip you definitely do not need.

By Vivia Chen 

I don’t know about you, but I am at a saturation point with news about our Dear Leader and his dealings with Ukraine. I know I should be poring over that whistleblower’s complaint, the details of Trump’s conversation with the Ukraine leader and the testimony of acting National Intelligence director Joseph Maguire (the latest contender for the weasel of the year award), but where would that take us? It’ll just get us all riled up, then depressed.

Instead, let me give you something that’s much more invigorating: news and gossip you definitely do not need. Here’s my People magazine edition of the happenings of the day:

Does your job cover you for death via sex? Now that we know our new labor secretary Eugene Scalia has a much more liberal attitude about sexual mores than his dad, I’ve been wondering if he’s ready to apply the French rule to sex on the job.

The New York Times reports: “A court in France has ruled that a man who died from a heart attack after having sex during a business trip had suffered a work-related accident and that his employer was liable.”

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