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Romeo and Juliet 1968 teen movie stars file $500 million lawsuit against Paramount Pictures for sexual abuse

Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey, stars of the 1968 movie "Romeo & Juliet" have filed an action against Paramount Pictures at Los Angeles County, alleging that the studio giant sexually abused them by filming their nude bodies without their knowledge when they were children. Whiting, who played Romeo Montague when he was 16, and Hussey,…

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Politicians are not interested in being held accountable by citizens, Somber Tuesday series by Mojúbàolú Olufúnké Okome

#SomberTuesday! The new year is only three days old. Most of us are making resolutions on doing better, engaging in all kinds of aspirational contortions that should transform our lives if we persevere and do the hard work of actualizing them. We also hope for grace (undeserved favor) that produces the transformative miracle with scant…

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“Nothing is impossible”, says Inyene Dominic Akpan who became a lawyer despite losing mum at 4, dad at 5 and an arm at 10

It was Audrey Hepburn  who once said: “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” And that is the story of Inyene Dominic Akpan, a young Nigerian man who beat all the odds to become a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. A Iyene lost his mum when he was four years…

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Overturn versus Upturn

By Chinua Asuzu Appellate courts don’t “upturn” lower-court decisions. Nor do subsequent courts “upturn” precedent-court decisions. They may overturn them, however. Black’s Law Dictionary, 11th ed., defines overturn as “To overrule or reverse.” Regarding “upturn,” a literal word with little figurative potential, Black’s deems it ineligible for inclusion in a law dictionary.

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