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Do what God called you to do

‘I have brought you glory on earth.’ John 17:4 NIV Joseph’s brothers despised his dream, so they threw him into a pit. Jesus’ family didn’t understand His calling; one time they actually thought He was mad. Yet, when He reached the end of His life, He could say, ‘I have brought you glory on…

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The Emergence of Transparency Under the Current Administration of the NNPC

By Divine Jude Okeke It has become apparent that resource rich and resource dependent countries could significantly benefit from the effective management or governance of petroleum resources in achieving economic growth and mitigating the resource curse. In this regard, transparency has been touted as a significant contributor to achieving an effective resource governance regime.…

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The power of influence (1)

‘They took note that these men had been with Jesus.’ Acts 4:13 NIV To be ‘under the influence’ means to be controlled by something or someone other than yourself. Who you are, what you are, and where you are today is because you were under the influence of certain people. The company you keep influences…

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