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Eleven reasons why he is my own candidate for the 2023 elections in Nigeria and only his victory would make me the happiest

(an answer to a question on who-will-you-vote-for) By Sylvester Udemezue The Law Centre (TLC) is a platform, moderated by distinguished learned AIK MALIK, SAN, and devoted to discussing and promoting law, law education, law practice, law reforms, law enforcement, law teaching, the law profession, administration of justice, the judicature and nothing else. It then happened,…

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Law is a literary profession

By Chinua Asuzu Language and writing dominate lawyers’ professional lives. Reading and writing are almost all we do. “Teachers teach, chefs cook, and lawyers write.” Gerald Lebovits, ‘How to Succeed in Legal Writing by Really Trying,’ 90 New York State Bar Association Journal (No. 7, Sept 2018), 61, 63. Hence, Douglas Abrams characterizes law as…

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Tales My Patients Told Me: All in a day’s job; Your wrist is fine, you are going back to work

By Emmanuel Fashakin It's February 21, 2023. My first and last patients this day were Workers’ Compensation cases. My practice participates in Workers Comp cases, taking care of employees injured during the scope of their employment. Workers' compensation cases present unique challenges in medical practice, especially in patients without visible physical injuries. My…

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Closure of tertiary education institutions for 2023 elections is constitutional, necessary, reasonable, and auspicious; plus matters incidental

By Sylvester Udemezue Please, recall that the Nigerian Federal Government, through the National Universities Commission (NUC) had on February 9, 2023 ordered the closure of universities across the country citing security concerns, and also the need to enable students to participate in the February 25 and March 11 general elections in Nigeria. Also, shut were…

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AMAC/Bwari ADC House of Reps Candidate Juliet Isi Ikhayere restates commitment to campaign promises as 100WLG calls for support  to female candidates

The AMAC and Bwari House of Representatives Candidate for ADC (African Democratic Congress) party in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Barr. Juliet Isi Ikhayere has reaffirmed her commitment to her campaign promises even as the 100 Women Lobby Group (100WLG), calls on stakeholders and policymakers to focus on efforts that address the challenges faced by…

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There’s no guarantee that electoral promises would be fulfilled, Somber Tuesday series by Mojúbàolú Olufúnké Okome

#SomberTuesday! Electioneering campaigns are being wrapped up because the elections are upon us. The currency change continues to torment majority of Nigerians with manifold challenges that make navigating routine, everyday life tasks onerous and well nigh impossible. The economy remains in the doldrums. There are also fears of electoral violence, vote-buying, manipulation, and other problems…

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A poll like no other

By Chidi Anselm Odinkalu On Saturday, 25 February 2023, Nigerians will vote in an election to select the successor to the incumbent president, Muhammadu Buhari. This will be the seventh consecutive cycle of presidential elections since the country returned to civil rule in May 1999; the 10th since the onset of the presidential system of…

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