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Haitian delegation in Enugu

BY JAMES EZE I am inexplicably happy that a delegation of Haitians are reportedly in Enugu at the moment to trace their Igbo roots. I have read somewhere that many Haitians have Igbo roots and that nowhere is Igbo culture deeply embedded in all of South America as in Haiti. I also read about the…

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UNDERCOVER: Inside Chinese quarries in Ogun where safety is alien — and workers are ‘treated like slaves’

To investigate the working conditions of Nigerians employed at Chinese-run quarries in the Obafemi-Owode area of Ogun state, SODIQ OJUROUNGBE disguised as an agent to get into the premises, where he uncovered anomalies, ill-treatment and flagrant disregard for labour laws. Jacob Adeoti, who has worked at Ding Xing Quarry since 2016, once had a finger chopped off by…

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