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Alleged misappropriation of public funds and task before anti-graft agencies

A particular Nigerian politician popularised the axiom: “If this country does not kill corruption, corruption will kill it.” The axiom gained wider currency as a result of the level of impunity with which public officials fritter funds running into billions, without any serious consequence and the resultant retrogression it foisted on the nation’s development. The…

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[VIDEO] Police Disrupt Court Proceeding While Attempting To Arrest Suspect In Calabar

A Calabar-based lawyer Samuel Udoh, has alleged that some police officers rudely invaded the Magistrate Court, at Oruk Anam, disrupting its activities while the court was in session. The Facebook user Samuel Udoh who witnessed the incident in court described the actions by the Police officers from the Zonal Headquarters Calabar, as “A Violent RAPE of the…

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